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[BLENDER] Mountainside Waterpark

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Hey there TPR !

So recently, I've been attentively following the developpement of A.J.'s Amazing Flying Machine and I was very impressed. So I decided to also make a park from scratch, and entirely model it myself. However I don't have the money to buy a tool like Rhino, so I've done all the modelling in Blender, which works pretty well. Luckily I've been using Blender for a while now, so no learning was required.


The waterpark is still in a pretty early stage, but the main waterslide is near finished. There are big chances that I will add another waterslide soon. No shading or texturing was done yet; of course once it will be done it will be a lot more impressive ! I will also try to incorporate a theme to the park, even if it is light I really like when it's not just all about boring concrete with a slide on it.


The pictures right now are straight from the 3D program, using the OPENGL render feature of Blender which makes very fast renders, but doesn't consider lighting and shading and all of that stuff. So once again it will look a lot better shortly once I'm more advanced on the modelling and the texturing.


Top view of the slide and the terrain


Here's a nice view of the supports and the slide


Here's the station/platform, which is still a work in progress right now


Another view of the supports and the terrain

Also, once I will be 100% done, I'll upload the .blend file here. This way anyone interessed in seeing the park by itself will be able to do so, just like other members do for NL and RCT on the game exchange.


That's it for now ! If you have any comment for me to improve what's already done, please feel free to tell me !

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Here's the thing with projects like these - you have to make sure that you can get the correct angles of your scene without showing viewers the edges of the terrain plane, even in a top-down overview. If you really want your viewers to believe that you've made a park, you have to make sure that the terrain you've built it on appears to keep going infinitely - be it with hilly terrain like I do, or with a horizon sky box, or something else.


Another thing - the slide supports look good, but the way you've divided up the slide panels does not.

Edited by A.J.
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