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Minecraft Rollercoasters

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I'm astonished that nobody has made a thread like this before, now that Minecraft is as popular as it is.

I decided to try and create a boardwalk in Minecraft today, and with it, I'm going to create lots and lots of static flat rides/tracked rides.

I made a few prototypes today, and that's what I'm here to show you guys:


(In the meantime, post your own here (minecart tracks or models))


This is what I had in mind in terms of a roller coaster. I want the park to be in good detail, so I'm going to have to make it huge for that to work. The wheels are the only thing that aren't up to my standards on this one.


One more view from the back with a bit of the boardwalk base in the background.


I also tried making a less detailed version that was to scale with the player. I may use this for the start of it.

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