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Disney World tickets at Disneyland?


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Hey guys, I'm staying in Whittier, CA for a while but would like to know if WDW passes can be used at Disneyland, also, the tickets have park hopper with them and I'd like to know if park hopper works with it too.


Many other sites approve of it, like MouseSavers on the page below, but I'd like to know from you guys if it's ever worked, and if park hopper worked too.



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Yes, I've used my WDW park hopper passes at Disneyland/DCA. Not sure what the current policy is to exchange for admission.


About five years ago I had to bring my park hopper pass to guest services and they subtracted a day from the hopper and ave me a one-day hopper for DL/DCA.


In 2011, a cast member at the DL entry gate was able to do this for me.

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