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Vacation Cancellation - Deposit - UK Consumer Law?

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Hey All


On the 24th of July this year I booked a 14 night stay in Orlando with a Thompson Travel Agent, the lady told us that as there will be 3 adults and 2 kids she would do everything to get us in a suite (With seperate bedrooms) at the Econo Lodge on I-Drive.


A few days passed and she said actually, she couldnt do that and we are all in one room, with 2 double beds and a fold away.


We asked about an extra room to be told it would be £550 extra (if we booked 2 rooms at the start it would have been £200, but because we were almost assured a suite, we didnt see the need)


We asked about the free shuttle to Disney and was told "Yes, you get a free shuttle to Disney World" so we went ahead and booked 5 x 14 day Daisney passes.


When we got the paperwork it stated that the shuttle was no longer free and would cost us $15 PP per day ($1050)


We spoke to the agent who assured us it was indeed free and would confirm it in writing (Although we booked with a Thompson Travel agent, it was booked with Jetsave) we have been chasing it every day (as the agent is local) and were told today by the manager that the shuttle to Disney WILL NOT be free to us as we are not booked with Thompson.


We paid a £400 Deposit - if we cancel the Holiday as rebook with Thompson direct, online, we get 2 rooms and as its Thompson, we get the FREE Shuttle too.


Does the consumer law of , you have a 14 day cooling off period apply to a Deposit for a Holiday ? because we have been told that dispite the holiday being booked just 7 days ago and not taking place for 14 months, that we will LOSE the Deposit, is this right ?


We could hire a car, but at £300 (for the insurance) and then £150 for parking at Disney its an added expence that we dont really need, added to the room issue, its left a bitter taste and I cant help but feel its been "Mis-Sold"


Is there any way I can get that Deposit back ?


Thanks in advace.

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