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Lake Thrills Park [RCT3]

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Lake Thrills park opened in the late 1950s, at one point it had over 30 rides and attractions. Today its abandoned and most of the park has been demolished. Whats left has been overrun by ferns and small bushes. I recently decided to fix up the property and make it popular once again.



Feedback would be appreciated.


As you can see the only part left of the park is the main street area, and some footers from the parks looping coaster

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Its been about a month now, the park has been cleaned up and the footers from the old looping coaster removed. Everything got a fresh coat of paint and a lot of landscaping has been done. Construction on the aquarium is ahead of schedule. Soon we will announce the parks main attraction so stay tooned.


sorry about the way this photo came out, I resized it in paint and forgot to get rid of the white thing

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Don't double post. You can edit your posts, you know.


It's also not worth it to only have one image in an update, and update so frequently. Give us a tour of your park as it evolves.

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Sorry about the double post. The coaster was announced today

Today Lake Thrills Park, a new theme park that is set to open next year announced it's main attraction. It will be a B&M floorless

coaster going by the name "Shark Attack". The new coaster will be above "Reef Encounter" and will share a theme. Because of limited space the ride will have 5 inversions although the lift hill will still be rather large (150'). Construction will start next week and the ride will be open for the parks grand opening. We were told that some supports have already arrived but the park is not letting anyone view them.

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Top Secret Supports lol

I only have one picture today, but the next update will be huge because Shark Attack construction will begin soon.


we cant show you the supports but we can show you the newly constructed guest regulations and season pass processing buildings

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