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Sorta Photo TR Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Fright Fest

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Sorry I only took 2 pictures because I didn't really feel like taking a bunch since I was with my friends. So I went to Fright Fest 2 weekends ago and it was VERY crowded! Mainly because there was a cheer leading competition so there was a lot of people during the day. But I was able to get on everything with around 10-20 minute waits. Let me just say Kong is one of the biggest piles of Vekoma crap ever made! I felt like my ears were going to bleed after. So onto fright fest, I was slightly dissapointed because there were only 2 mazes and scarezones and they weren't the best. Maybe because I had to high of expectations but I still got scared a little.

Slaughterville: Out of the 2 this was the least scary. Mainly because all you did was wind around in the dark with a few scenes and scare actors. I still jumped a little, but mainly I walked through it fast. The second time there was way more scare actors in there and it got a little better, but still I wasn't too impressed.

Bayou Hazard: This was waaaaaay better, in my opinion, then Slaughterville. Right when I walked in it was pitch dark and 3 people came at me and chased me. Most of the maze was pitch black and you couldn't see at all, I ran into the walls like 4 times in there. We ended up doing this twice because there was nobody in line. It suprised me that both the mazes were walk on the whole night. I thought more people would have done them.

Zombie Zone: I really liked this scarezone, but then I didn't. It was definately better than the other one but they only had like 10 scare actors doing it and they only went after the girls.

Camp Kaos: This scarezone was very short. It was just a small circle that loops around and they barely had anyone in it. But they had this giant monkey that came out of nowhere and scared me sh*tless.

Here's the ride count:

Medusa: 2x



Kong:1x(Never again!)



I actually really like there skyline. Sorry it's bad quality I took it from my phone


NEVER AGAIN!! Please tear it down!

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