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This years plans

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Not been on TPR much recently (life kinda got in the way) but I'm back, signed up to club TPR and this year there's a few parks on the horizon.


First up is Flamingoland on Monday 7th June and then Thorpe Park on the 9th. I've not been to either park since they added their new coasters so I'll be credit scoring once more.


Later in the year the Camping & Coasters trip is being revived and I'll be hitting De Efteling, Toverland, Phantasialand, Holiday Park, Oktoberfest and Europa Park with the same three friends who joined me on our USA 2008 tour.


We'll be in Munich at the same time as TPR so you never know we might see some of you there.

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Wow, that sounds like you are going to have a fun summer this year, I am hoping to make it out to the U.K. in a couple of years want to hit up Disney Paris, Alton Towers, Blackpool pleasure beach and make it to a taping of Top Gear. For me this is my 2010 so far.


January : DID Sea World Orlando, Universal Studios/Islands of Adventures Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa

February : DID Disneyland/California's Adventure California

March : DID Sea World Orlando, Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure Orlando, Epcot/Magic Kingdom/Disney Studios/Animal Kingdom Orlando

April : DID Carowinds North Carolina, Disneyland/California's Adventure California (for Captain EO)

May : DID Cedar Point Ohio, Kings Island Ohio, Holiday World Indiana

June : BOOKED Sea World Orlando, Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa

August : PLANNING Canada's Wonderland Toronto Canada

September : BOOKED Tokyo Disneyland/Disneysea Tokyo Japan

December : PLANNING Epcot/Magic Kingdom/Disney Studios/Animal Kingdom Orlando (Osbourne lights)

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