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NEWS: Lhasa Sun Island Amusement Park to expand

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A children's theme park will be built up in Dongcheng district, and the related preparatory work projects have already started by Beijing Tourism Group, sources from Lhasa Development and Reform Commission.


Zhadron took his child in the Lhasa Sun Island Amusement Park. He said:" Every weekend, I would like to take my kid to the amusement park. However, the current park is small and crowded. And the entertainment programs are simple and dull."


The staff from Lhasa Development and Reform Commission said:" The children's theme park project discussion meeting was held with Lhasa related departments, Beijing Tourism Group, and National Development Bank in attendance. A theme park adopted modern market mechanism, advanced management system and experience of inland provinces will be built up in Dongcheng district to satisfy the needs of Tibetan children."


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