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SFMM in November information needed

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Alright so my 25th birthday is coming up in November, and we are considering heading out to SFMM. I have not been since 2004 and need to get on Tatsu, and of course Terminator, and my nephew I think will enjoy Thomas Town. But I do have a couple questions.


How is the park in November (second week of, to be exact)? More so as far as the coasters and such, do they all run or is it the "off season" and many will be down for rehab and what not? And the park in general, will it be busy? We will be there probably be there Friday and Saturday, and I know schools will still probably be in but I am not sure. And lastly ticketing. Is the $26.99 online deal legit, or is there hidden fees and such? I mean, $27 is awesome considering a regular day pass is, what, $54? And do they still do the twicket where you can return the next day for $10 or so? I think thats what I paid last time. Or is there a 2 day ticket package thing?


I know, a lot of questions, but like I said I have been in a few years so I am not sure what changed.


Thanks in advance for any answers or advice

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Well as far as the days you should be ok on Saturday but Friday might be a problem. In the past they closed for the "off season" after fright fest. I'm not sure what dates your planing on but in the off season they are open only in Saturdays Sundays and holidays. I would check their website for the operating hours. Now as far as which rides will be opened and closed you can try calling the park to see if they might know in advance which rides you can expect closed.


The online deal is pretty sweet but look into the details cause there was a thread on here talking about a $5 dollar fee to purchase online so you might want to go to the market and get some coke because their cans have a buy one get one free deal on them. The crowds shouldn't be to bad either because school is in session in early November and the weather should be great as well. The twicket deal I have no idea about.


Hope this helps! Anything else has probably been covered here in the forums so just do a search and good luck!

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If you decide to go during veterans day weekend expect it to be a little busier than if you go on another weekend in November (besides Thanksgiving of course) The past couple of times I've been there that weekend it has been busy. By busy I mean hour wait for X2 and 45min wait for Tatsu. Everything else was pretty much a couple train wait. It all depends how many trians they runthat weekend.


I do recommend getting a Coke can because it's half off. You still have to get your ticket at the park but it shouldn't be too crowded to buy your ticket there as long as you get there early.

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We went on a Sunday in Mid November (of 2008) and we found Deja Vu down. (I had been on it before, so I really wasn't too upset) Revolution was also down that day, unfortunately.


The best advice is to call the park if you're worried about a specific ride.

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Thanks for the responses, I appreciate it. We will be going the second week of Novemeber 6-9th. Im not really worried about any particular ride being closed, just making sure thats not a time that there is alot of coasters down for rehab or something like that. I always knew about the half off coke can deal, but was not aware that the offer lasted that long. Looks like I will be doing that instead. Does anyone know if they still do the twicket thing anymore? I checked their website but saw nothing on it.


Again thanks for the info.

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Yea I think the coke can deal is the way to go but make sure you get the can and save them now cause I think the cans are only available with the deal till the end of summer. The deal is good through the end of the year I believe but they only print the deal on the can for so long.


The park usualy doesn't close more than one coaster at a time for rehab even in the off season. Now if they have a ride that is currently down for rehab and one breaks down they will obviously have more than one down but that is beyond their control. I'm not sure how acurate this is but I do remember hearing that Ninja and DejaVu can't run in cold temperatures but like I said I don't know this for sure so you might want to do some research.


The twicket deal I think is a long shot because the last time I was there I don't recall it being available, or I should say I didn't see any signs there about it, but I do remember you had to pay full price for the first day, so if you do use the coke can deal the twicket would not be available to you.

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