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TR - hershey - SFNE - HRP and a ton in between

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me, doug, jordan and J went

left here round 1

got to hershey round noon

got discount tix and went in - handicapped parking thx to me


far N height - almost a 2 hr wait. front seat for me and J. I enjoyed the ride a lot. good pacing, smooth transitions and intensity which i love.

Storm runner – great launch, tophat, drop…everything. That snake dive is amazing, my new fav. And don’t forget about the magnetic brake sexiness at the end. So simple, so great

Wildcat - first GCI so I didn’t expect much. If that ride was about 400’ shorter but with the same elements, it would be great

Lightning racers – intense first part then it dies. Weird for GCI but I enjoyed em

Great bear – great ride. Engineering genius

Whored everything else except the super soaker – didn’t wanna have wet stinky shoes for the rest of the trip



Handicapped parking, free parking and we went in

Sign up for $18 for $20 in tix. I want that deal. The lady then flipped the sign around that got rid of that $2 off deal.

Phoenix – fun ride but waaaaay overrated

Twister – double lift, perty cool but not necessary, stupid gimic. Lame double helix but it was smooth

Highspeedtrillcoaster – most airtime on any kiddie coaster ever

$5.20/person and 45 min later, we were off to dorney



Talon – great ride, very smooth, nice colors – just a great ride

Hydra – much potential for a great ride. Love the jojo roll. Love the intense overbanked first turn. Love the 0g roll, Like the oversized corkscrew… like the idea for the cobra roll but it was way too rough for being that young. I like the final helix down the hill. This ride is just too tame and rough for being built a couple years ago

Steel force – gotta love that straight track. The bunny hops were great but anyone can make a rounded off triangle with air

Laser – very intense, I love it. If only I had $1.2M

Whored the rest. Missed 2 tiny coasters – height

Drove to MA



First stop, of course, S ROS – very fun ride, smooth and I love the tunnels. That one hill right b4 returning to the station area, holy crap. Those ankle restraints were NOT welcome. they hurt and suck. The helix was intense as well. Nice view

Batman dark knight – floorless, very steep lift, big honkin loop – love it. The rest was quite intense like an invert. Short ride but very entertaining.

Cyclone’s first drop – HOLY CRAP. Scary stuff but fun. The rest? Eh not so much

Whored the rest


Lake compounce

Got there round 3 – twilight hours start @ 5. I tried to beg our way in at the cheaper rate but the comps don’t allow it till 450 so I took a nap at the entrance.

The boomerang – eh. Wildcat – awful, just awful

Boulder dash – very fun ride. Brilliant idea. Much longer than I thought it would be. It was nice and cool in the shade on the side of that hill. 1 train ops – idk if they had a 2nd. Hills should never have straight track but there were lots of pops of air.

Since there was only 1 train operations, we decided to just leave and go to coney island


Got there round 9?

Rode the cyclone immediately. Trains w/ 3 seats/car are rough usually… this had 4 seats/car but they were like leather sofas. The ride was actually quite smooth, very intense and lots of air

Got 2 nathans dogs – very hungry and they were great

We left


SFGAdv – closest parking spot available - haha

1st stop – the totally awesome…….batman dark knight – b/c of the low capacity of mice. Standard wild mouse, good preshow, good loading. Some of the things were quite cool – holograms but other than that, standard wild mouse in the dark w/ stuff in the way

Nitro – great drop but very tame but very smooth

El toro – uh, amazing. When the upstop wheels are louder than the other wheels, you’ve got a gem. Unbelievable airtime over the first drop, next 2 hills and the rolling thunder hill. The twisty finale is pretty cool. If airtime was my deciding factor on the best ride, it would be #1. but its still behind Voyage.

Kingda ka - 1 hr+ wait. While waiting, it broke down and the train to be in after a breakdown is the first train out. “this ride never rolls back” – doug. The tip of the train went over the top then they rolled back. Missed it by 6 trains haha. Only 8mph faster than TTD but I guess you stay @ 128 for a good second before you start decelerating up the hill. My face was flopping in the wind and it was awesome. I like the holding brake at the top, no need to rush down the hill. TTDs launch feels better tho – it’s a draw

Medusa – still a lot of fun

Blackbeard’s – my #200

Didn’t ride SUF – long line and breakdowns

Whored the rest


SFA – handicapped parking haha


SROS – sucked

Batwing – ok

Wild one – eh

SLC – eh

Roar – ended well

2face – closed

Joker’s jynx - fun

If I missed something, its b/c it sucked too

Left there early – staff sucked, rides sucked, atmosphere? Sucked

Beat most of the traffic to stay w/ my friends in manassas



First parking space - handicapped

Wish hypersonic was still there

Volcano – fun ride but short

Dominator – still a great ride but no 0g roll. Smoothest cobra roll made somehow – great colors

Drop tower – good ride

Togo stand up – not as bad as I thought but still awful

Howler – ugh

Their Italian job – very intense, I loved it

Whored the rest… it was HOT- 95 that day

Off to BGE


BGE – beautiful park already

Thanks to LC for the friends/family pass – wherever she may be

Apollo’s chariot – front and back seat ride. Enjoyable ride but very very tame but very very smooth AND IT’S THE OLDEST

Big bad wolf – best suspended ive been on, very fun and intense

Alpengeist – fun ride, great drop – bad whip into mcbr and very slow ending but still fun and quality

Griffon – great ride. All it is is fun and good looking – intensly huge supports, love it

Loch ness monster – smooth arrow b/c of no corkscrews. Fun but eh

Escape from Pompei – I don’t mind getting wet, I just didn’t want wet shoes – get stinky. We imspected the splash and it wasn’t bad so we sat up front where it looked the driest. Get up to the top of the lift and the front of the boat goes under water and scoops water up to just flow into the front seat – ugh.


Hard Rock Park

Skeptical, we paid our $50 for 4 coaters and some flats. It looks like they’ve only used 1 ticket booth since opening – full of boxes.

Led Zepplin – assuming its walk on conditions, like this day, you walk up to the station side – find a seat, stand on the # and wait for the doors to open. Watch the pre pre show stuff then doors open and you go into the preshow. LZ interviews – never more porocative, influential…it’s the message of enjoyment … whole lotta love starts w/ Robert plant crotch shots. When someone holds up a white banner after the orgasm part of the song, the doors open and you get on. Music still playin and when it gets to a certain part of the song, you dispatch. Speakers on the first part of the lift then your speakers yell at you “WAAAY DOOOWN INSIIIIIDE” – yelling “looooooooooooooooooooooooove” down the first drop – I love it. Ride overall: no headbanging but it rattles worse than goliath (sfog). The 0g roll is my fav ever made. Its slow and drawn out. Mcbr – not necessary and kills the ride. Helix is overbanked but quickly drops into the corkscrew and into the station. Can you reride? No. LZ wanted the ride experience like this. If the line was long, sure – the setup is cool. When there are 100 people reriding over and over all night, its annoying

Nights of white satin: The Trip – best ride at the park haha. U get 3d glasses entering the line and the line interacts with you. Can you say spinny tunnel. Wont say anything else about the ride but the song is on right now – watching casino haha

Eagles: LITFL – it’s a mine train w/ 2 lifts and music. It’s a fun mine train – compact and relatively intense w/ an exploding eagle thing at the end.

The rest was just really good theming, great staff, good atmosphere and a lot of potential

Bohemian Rhapsody show – very nicely done. They need more powerful fountains and more of them. Fireworx were perfectly synchronized.



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