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Fujikyu Highland Pictures

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Third trip of 2007 to Fujikyu Highland. I dreaded going on a summer weekend with the schoolkids on break, but it was a pretty productive overnighter.


For now, just the pictures from my cell phone:


Later in the day, Dodonpa crosses Mt. Fuji.


Pa! OK, so I was a split-second too fast. This was the best of three attempts and then I gave up. After all, I only had a cell phone.


During my hour-long wait, I snapped a picture of Dodonpa's compressed air rigging.


7:40 AM. First loser in line for Dodonpa. But that guaranteed me the first row in a car that carried only three passengers. (Apparently they launch small loads for the first few rides of the day.) The launch was delicious.


The Great Zaboon goes splash. Rode it shortly thereafter sans vinyl parka and received a thorough dousing of algae.


Eejanaika's first drop. Lovely. In the morning I rode on the right side in the last row and found it to be less violent than the third, which I rode the night prior. But for the most part, this ride is only getting shakier with each trip. It is still my favorite, though. I'm not one to complain about the jerkiness of the ride, considering that I get beat up way worse at Brazilian jiu-jitsu practice a couple of times a week.

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Addendum: Some on-ride photos below.


Speaking of which, I actually got censored at Fujikyu for the first time ever. I would guess it was because one dude kept a camera on him and a few others flashed photo props shaped curiously like blunts. So the pictures didn't even show up in the photo shop, and we quietly slinked away to get some soft-serve ice cream. Except for one guy who is obsessed with vertical sausage.


Regarding soft-serve ice cream, the variety of fruit flavors at Fujikyu is somewhat impressive. I went with the white peach, which was just a little tangy.


But make no mistake, Eejanaika is an incredibly turbulent coaster. Tragically, my riding partner flew out of his harness at one particularly rough turn.


Eejanaika just makes some people loopy and find hilarity in everything.


Dumbasses on Fujiyama. It looks like one "Der" is trying to eat another's dandruff.


The whole gang on a Sunday afternoon Dodonpa run.

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I wouldn't exactly call Fujiyama smooth, but I am still a fan. There are a lot of different elements on the coaster and the ride is quite long. Our group had no medical, philosophical or other objections to immediately re-boarding the coaster.


The boomerang turn whips you around pretty good, which makes it more difficult to get in position for the picture that's snapped of you as you come out of it. The really painful bit is at the end when your ribs go slamming into the left and right sides of the car twice each, but even that's not so bad if you go with the flow (or brace yourself).


As I mentioned above, I encounter more pain in everyday life anyway. A few weeks ago a 190- or 200-pound fellow stepped on my upper arm, digging his heel into my tricep and leaving a bruise 4-5 inches in diameter. Now that hurt.

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