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PTR: SFGAM Wee! (07-10-07)

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Whoa, Our Good Friend Andy, where'd you come from?



MerryDeath squeltches with excitment.


Mr. Wiggle is in the "Submissive Position"


Dan and Ally. When together are henceforth known as "Dally".


After a short while in the water park, an unfun storm came rolling in. MerryDeath and I went into Great America while Dally and Our Good Friend Andy waited for the water slides to open up.


Oh, it looks even better up close......


Wait, what'd I need the smilie for? This was the face I made.




That Guy? Are you up there?


The weather started to clear and some rides opened.


We hopped aboard Condor as we passed and saw that Bull had opened, yay.



The Jester was not pleased with the weather.


Our Good Friend Andy met up at Bull.

We have a theory that he looks ten times gayer when he's on the phone.



"The world may never know"


Gah ha! Free water!


MerryDeath does her radio impression and tries to tune in some aliens.


Ah, the Butt-Chin. The only way to wipe your nose and ass at the same time.


Sweet, sweet bull-luvin'.


Shut up and dance!


Dally and Nolan rode De Vu. We waited.


Kept ourselves entertained in the excruciating five minute wait...


FI-nally sheesh!


Our Good Friend Andy... getting nomeD

Looks like the Demon already got them...


Bitten by a Vampire Trash Receptacle, Ally has become one of them

Their numbers are growing.


Line jump in progress!

Time for American Smeagol. My precious!

Wee! Whoa... where'd This Guy come from?

I don't think he had any clue of what was happening behind him.



$90 for a ride on the Kraken... oh plus more for the shirt. Wise investment.


"Outta the way! The brakes are cut!"


Nolan hungry.



The Ride time.

Ha! Face!

Get the HELL away from my ICEE.

The Batman dance, apparently.


Must kick kids! Hiya!


Bunny Ball.




Mist POV.


Time for one last ride on Whizzer.

Useful Spam.

Dally ready to Whizz.

No... Don't! One hug and Nolan EXPLODES! Extreme!




"Deruhhh.... I like dat, we go back. Tuseday, deff.. deff... deffally tuesday."


Look! Trees!


The End

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