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Found 10 results

  1. Earth,Wind&Fire Coaster One of my recent projects. Rush through the Electric Universe! First construction pictures:
  2. New Ghost Train in the Making! It will be a Multi Motion Darkride themed to the Legend of Dracula. I'm making great progress! Here are some first glimpses:
  3. NJÖRD, god of the scandinavian sea, invites passengers to an adventurous journey through his realm. Inspired by Europapark's Rulantica concepts and the Scandinavian areas...
  4. ImagineerTim's PIRATEN IN BATAVIA An adventurous journey through the Chinese Sea awaits... Past the Sumatran Jungle. Batavia is burning and you want to go there? Station Concept
  5. NEW 2021 Tiki Splash Water Dive Coaster Far away on a tropical island, lies an ancient volcano. Fire meets water and natures forces awake...
  6. We found a secret way to enter Gringotts bank technical maintenance vaults! Indoor rollercoaster inspired by Harry Potter and Universal's Escape from Gringotts...
  7. Crazy Machines Machine 1 "Ice Cream Hot Rod" for some reason I'm not able to put the video in the center...?
  8. 10 years ago I uploaded my first ride „Mystery Castle“ ! It has been an amazing time. Thanks to all my subscribers and supporters!
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