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Found 7 results

  1. Nearly 6 years ago, I began construction on a park known as Land of Legends. This was the start of a journey through 6 park files that would be come to known as World of Legends. this the the premier of the full park tour.
  2. New Ghost Train in the Making! It will be a Multi Motion Darkride themed to the Legend of Dracula. I'm making great progress! Here are some first glimpses:
  3. In 1969, They started building the park, and then in 1970 India Dreamworld open to Indian public. Complete with attractions like.... Bobsled Bobsled was an built in-house roller coaster was based on Matterhorn Bobsleds at Disneyland, Unlike Matterhorn Bobsleds, This ride did not house the coaster. Just the lift hill. and they had splash down at the end of ride. Tilt-A-Whirl Tilt-A-Whirl was an flat ride about spinning around. And many more! And there's a Castle! And there's a mysterious Tumble Bug that relocated from Euclid Beach Park in Cleveland, Ohio! But never opened due to budget issues. We will update more of that soon!
  4. Welcome to the Land OF Eryth created by GalcianBTH and Wormgar, created as the newest addition to World of Legends and for the Channel 5 MiniPark Contest 2 Inspired by the Xenoblade Chronicles series this is the Land of Eryth the newest addition to World of Legends. Fly through the the ruins of a great lost civilization with the Dueling Flying coasters Meyneth and Zanza, take on the Guardians of the Mechonis in the immersive Dark Ride experience Guardian!, Spin your way through Monado Storm, and more. Steam Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2661052013
  5. Crazy Machines Machine 1 "Ice Cream Hot Rod" for some reason I'm not able to put the video in the center...?
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