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Posts posted by schrubber

  1. That`s what I thought when the problem occured the first time. But it`s fact, I checked it twice. Here are two screenshots, as you can see, the second train leaves the lift, while the first train in the background hasn`t reached the MCBR. Perhaps it`s a problem of different NL-versions? I`ve got NL 1.7.


    (Sorry, I left the picture so big because the train in the background is so small)





  2. There`s another serious problem: Your coaster does not pass the E-stop test. When the second train reaches the top of the hill anf goes down the first drop, the first train hasn`t arrived at the MCBR. When an emergency stop occurs at this point, the first trains stops at the MCBR, and the second train crashes into it.




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