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Everything posted by Miles17A

  1. My thoughts exactly! Overall X's overhaul souinds great and most probaly will, but it may just end up being one big mess three years into the future unless of course Shapiro proves me wrong...
  2. Well I for one am glad for the change, I mean those trains were needed BADLY! As for the paint job: I know its not a new ride, but its a new experience, and Id rather have that over just a Thomas Town and the same X next year, wouldn't you?
  3. ^ My thoughts exactly! Hmmm... I wonder if the fire near magic mountain is the same that I saw on Sunday just east of Valencia... Which in combination with the one north of Castaic, and the one near Piru ruined the day with all of that carptacular ash! Damn allergies!
  4. A little off topic but i went out to the mountain and the day was overall... just blah... Batman and Scream were closed X and Tatsu closed after 1 pm because of the wind, yet Goliath and Superman were open the entire day (with some technical difficulties involved, yet nonetheless open) despite the fact they're taller... hmmm... anyone know why? As expected lost rides broke down frequently because of the wind, but the lack of major crowds made up for that Still no sign of Thomas Town in either the Psyclone footprint or the Petting Zoo locations... and if anyone cares: the fog machines were turned off, which made fright fest look a lot less well frightening...
  5. To clarify... I never said or mentioned this was a sign of anything, I was just mentioning this... Whatever...
  6. ^^ No, not really, you forget... i was riding Viper, and therefore, way too focused on having fun/not getting a bloody ear by keping my "head back at all times" so it was more of a mere quick glance in between all of the madness accompanying Viper...so to better answer your question, no i didn't look at the station closely, just saw the back end of the train, which was all I was looking for anyway...Sorry!
  7. Speaking of X... that reminds me... the day i went (10-21-06), X had a train sitting in storage and another in the loading station, fully assembled trains by the way. At least that's what i saw from Viper's lift hill and MCB's (I know...why did i ride it, but it is fun, yet painful, kind of like brainfreeze i guess). Anyway, make what you will of this.
  8. I know...I know this is my like what 2nd post? and therefore you have no real reson to even read my post but whatever... Here is a list on what was open/closed ("important" rides that is) on 10-21-06: X-closed Viper-open-two trains Revolution-open-one train Roaring Rapids-open Deja Vu-open Psyclone-closed Jet Stream-closed Goldrusher/RRV-open-two trains Tidal Wave-closed Sandblasters/Atom Smasher/GrinderGearworks- open Circus Wheel-closed BTR-open-two trains Freefall-open for the latter part of the day(3:00 an on) Scream-open- two trains Colossus(forwards and backwards)-open-two trains each side and racing periodically Bucanneer/Swashbuckler-open Goliath-open STE-open-left side of track Tatsu/Ninja-open-two trains Flashback-OMG!!-open-JK! When will this ever open? Who cares! I already have my credit... tear it down!
  9. Well its not so much an update but a small recount of what I did yesterday (07-18-06) at the mountain… I managed to ride ALL coasters in the park by five a clock and then re rode most of them. RRV was running one train until about 1:00 when they added another train, and they took about ½ and hour to test it while I was in line, that SUCKED! Other than that all rides were running 2 trains except for Psyclone and X which were running 1 each. Batman’s second train was running too! I say that only cause Arrowfanman’s update mentioned it was running one, but FYI they have the second one running again. Superman broke down about 2 and was not up and running until about 5! But overall it was a fun trip, the service was good and the only crew that was little behind was TATSU’s in the early morning, because dispatches were in few and lengthy, despite two train/station operation!
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