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Everything posted by FlippyTheRed

  1. Might be a bit older than most here, but I used to love the Enchanted Voyage - Before the Smurfs theming. As a kid, the five foot drop coming out of the building was a huge thrill. As an older, more annoying kid we used to pick out the security cameras and discover the places where we could splash other riders unnoticed. And at the end, you could stand up and bat the foam-covered clown teeth that threatened to close on you as you exited... Found these lyrics after some searching... On the way in, the animatronic snail would welcome you with "Hello! Welcome to the Enchanted Voyage. I sure hope you enjoy the ride! Have a Huh-Huh-Happy Day!" Cue music, and the blessed air-conditioning... Cartoon friends and funny faces Jinx and those little meece he chases Ant Hill Mob, the Wacky Racers Live in my TV I'm friends with Fred who yells out Yabba Dabba Dabba Doo Bosom Buddy Barney too. And Scooby Dooby where are you. I love that mumblin' bear I laugh at him until I hurt And when it's, Bananna Splits You don't eat them for dessert Bistle Hound is not a stranger. He saves Lambsy when in danger. Yogi Bear outsmarts the ranger All in my TV Those happy friends who live in my TV. Those happy friends who live in my TeeeVeee-EeeeEeee-EeeeEeee Flippy
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