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Posts posted by MisterP

  1. I love the Deadpool poster. It's hilarious.


    And I loved that movie. It was a lot of fun.


    But some people are seriously talking like it deserves a Best Picture nomination.


    But if it get a BP nom, Hollywood is officially dead. Close up shop. Just watch indie or French or German or Korean movies...

  2. I am not a tough guy, but I have like 3 inches and 40 pounds on Negan.


    Take Lucille away from him, and he is a simpering little biatch.


    And his henchmen may seem powerful to us now, but consider that they didn't see any of Rick's people for a hella long time until the plot needed them to.


    The show is so beyond dumb, it isn't even funny.


    Yet I still watch. God only knows why....

  3. I grew up with this park...literally...I was two when the park opened and probably four when I first visited.


    They've changed a lot over the years, some for the better, but mostly for the worst.


    If you're gonna destroy what we loved in our youths, don't add some crappy carnival rides. Actually add something of value....like.....a coaster? No that sounds crazy...


    Jesus, I get to watch a formerly "meh" park like Kings Island add awesome coaster after coaster, and we get.....what...a freaking DIsk-o?


    Six Flags is a garbage chain who only cares about the half a dozen parks that lie within huge population areas. The rest of their parks get carnival rides, and cross their fingers that the hillbillies in those areas are happy with that crap. And sure enough, St Louis draws enough hillbillies that a county fair transplant like Fireball brings all the boys to the yard.




    Places like St Louis get screwed . Let's give New Jersey, Chicago and L.A. a new humongus coaster every other year, but St Louis gets jack squat for almost a decade.


    Our park has turned into hot garbage, in much the same way the WB DC Comics movies are all steaming hot piles of sh*t........


    A public forum is not the best place to have a tempertanturm. Between that and your obsession with hillbillies I strongly recommend therapy. I have already explained acouple pages back the thought process on how things are being ran. If you didn't read it or didn't understand it, I can't help you. Unplug the computer and walk away.


    I apologize for my venting. I don't think I said anything terribly controversial, but on the other hand, I do understand the reasons SFSTL doesn't have the same treatment from the parent company that, say, Great America does.


    But I'm an old-timer, and my home park has been a source of frustration since the 80s.


    OK. It's out of my system. Time to start planning my 2017 park road trips...

  4. I grew up with this park...literally...I was two when the park opened and probably four when I first visited.


    They've changed a lot over the years, some for the better, but mostly for the worst.


    If you're gonna destroy what we loved in our youths, don't add some crappy carnival rides. Actually add something of value....like.....a coaster? No that sounds crazy...


    Jesus, I get to watch a formerly "meh" park like Kings Island add awesome coaster after coaster, and we get.....what...a freaking DIsk-o?


    Six Flags is a garbage chain who only cares about the half a dozen parks that lie within huge population areas. The rest of their parks get carnival rides, and cross their fingers that the hillbillies in those areas are happy with that crap. And sure enough, St Louis draws enough hillbillies that a county fair transplant like Fireball brings all the boys to the yard.




    Places like St Louis get screwed . Let's give New Jersey, Chicago and L.A. a new humongus coaster every other year, but St Louis gets jack squat for almost a decade.


    Our park has turned into hot garbage, in much the same way the WB DC Comics movies are all steaming hot piles of sh*t........

  5. My response to yesterday's announcement: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


    More carnival rides, no new coasters, other than rejects from other parks.


    There is no wonder I haven't been to my home park in 4 years. Justice League is the only thing they've added in almost a decade that is worth a crap, yet it is. according to every season pass holder I know, either a 2-hour wait or it's closed. The rest are off-the-shelf flat rides that I can experience at a state fair.


    SFSTL is becoming a glorified carnival, but with more teens bouncing basketballs and more gum in the queue lines...


    I suppose I could say the same about SFOT. In fairness, I must applaud the efforts of Steve Martindale and SFOT Management. They always make sure that our park receives something respectable each year. If it was a Star Flyer, then it would be the 400ft version. If it was flats, then we would get the best flats money could buy. We are still the only SF park to haved received a Zamperla Endeavor ride. And ours has twice the seating capacity of the one at Coney. Say what you will about our forth coming S&S 4d Free Fly. It least it's not a Larson Loop or used bumper cars. Hopefully, SFSTL management is planning for something big in the future. Who knows, maybe that RMC T-Rex Giga is on the horizon.


    To be fair, we've been hearing that "something big is coming" propaganda since like 2008.


    It's a forgotten link in the SF chain, dependent on goobers who flock there without any actual awareness that their park is sub-par in the whole SF chain. In other words, the company has no need to add anything of value to our park, because the toothless hillbillies think a boring, one-trick Disk-O or a horrible boomerang is something special.


    Face it. We're stuck with this crap. Get used to it. Better yet, plan some roadtrips to actual good parks....


    SFSTL is becoming a glorified carnival, but with more teens bouncing basketballs and more gum in the queue lines...


    I also feel this way..... but maybe I am just too old...



    Yeah,me too.


    Although, it has to be hard to think that today's kids would be happy with "new" rides that they can ride at a dozen other parks within a driving distance. Unless they are clueless goobers, which SFSTL draws quite a few.


    Our park needs a B&M hyper/floorless/wing/dive/flyer in the WORST way....

  7. My response to yesterday's announcement: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


    More carnival rides, no new coasters, other than rejects from other parks.


    There is no wonder I haven't been to my home park in 4 years. Justice League is the only thing they've added in almost a decade that is worth a crap, yet it is. according to every season pass holder I know, either a 2-hour wait or it's closed. The rest are off-the-shelf flat rides that I can experience at a state fair.


    SFSTL is becoming a glorified carnival, but with more teens bouncing basketballs and more gum in the queue lines...

  8. Plus, some pretty good (inexpensive) food options and some throwback arcades and the like.

    Oh, and I somehow forgot about FASCINATION! For like 50 cents, you get to play that incredibly awesome (And extremely addictave) game. Seriously, Fascination is amazing.


    Man, my 8-year old son and I LOVED playing Fascination together. Awesome is the exact correct word for it. Such a fantastic bonding experience.


    We spent two days there this past June and didn't want to leave.


    And it was personally my third time there. The first two I went with my wife who loves IB (2003 and 2007), before my son was born.


    It's still so freaking great. And so awesome for kids....

  9. To say that Indiana Beach is overrated is quite the theme park nerd thing to say, considering 99% of America has no idea it exists.


    It's a hidden gem. A throwback. In the middle of freaking Indiana, for chrissakes.


    That place is one of a kind and pretty freaking awesome.


    Oh, and Cornball Express still kicks ass...and Hoosier Hurricane is pretty fun as well...and the Lost Coaster, Den of Lost Thieves, and the walkthrough haunted house are all a ton of fun. Steel Hawg and the other two small coasters are fun as well. And the swings over the lake are so great.


    Plus, a beach and a mini-water park. And cabins that are a stone's throw from the boardwalk.


    Plus, some pretty good (inexpensive) food options and some throwback arcades and the like.


    So great.


    "Underrated" is the optimum word. Overrated? Only for the most jaded theme park geek.....

  10. In terms of rides, Epcot is pretty overrated.


    World Showcase is awesome for walking around, eating, and drinking. But its not much in terms of much attractions.


    Future World has some stuff, but while Test Track is awesome, and Spaceship Earth & Living with the Land are cool IMO, the rest of the attractions are pretty meh. Soarin is fun, but its a one-trick pony. Ditto Mission: Space.


    I still really like Epcot for all it has to offer, and I know it's intent isn't all about thrills and audio-animatronics, but if you are there for one day to go on a bunch of awesome rides (which many people are), it's limited.


    I think it was better when it had more stuff like Horizons and World of Motion. Although know I am far from the first person to opine about that....

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