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  1. If you time your trip so you're passing through the City early enough, you will fly through either route and there won't be any traffic although I do think they are still doing nightly lane closures in the Jane Byrne Interchange (on I-90) so that could still be slow.
  2. The seatbelt is very forgiving. Similar to Whizzer. The restraint is deceiving. I saw many people click in several clicks on the restraint yet it still threw a code in the booth that it wasn't secure. Ride ops will help push it down but not force it. If you have another adult with you to really push down you should be fine.
  3. First post here. My home Park is Six Flags Great America but I will be stopping through SFDL on Monday-Wednesday and staying in the hotel. I am having so much trouble finding out information about using my membership (Diamond Elite) benefits. Hoping someone can help answer a few questions. 1. I keep hearing that using the meal pass is difficult to use and cannot find a dining guide for the Park. Are the available options labeled on menu boards? 2. Does SFDL use the same refillable member cups or if they don't, will they honor my refillable member cup from SFGrAm? 3. Where do I go to redeem my Skip the Line Passes? How do they work at the ride queue? 4. Does SFDL let Guests redeem unused meal/snack credits for Game vouchers? 5. Is there Preferred Parking? If so, is it really worth it to make a reservation if I am staying on site? Thanks in advance for any help. I'm excited to try out a different park!
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