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Posts posted by The username

  1. 11 hours ago, CoasterGuy06 said:

    Nope. They had slide pieces on site in 2022 for a 2023 addition but nothing was built. I'm guessing since Cheddar Chase didn't open until July of 2022 maybe they decided not to do another addition and try to use it as still being "new" in 2023? They announced a new slide for this season back on Christmas. It is a four person raft slide and is being built next to Roc

    I do not understand how Rampage could be in that bad of shape. They literally re-tracked the entire ride when they reopened it for 2015 and they claimed they spent $1million dollars back in 2022 re-tracking it and upgrading the control system. Granted I haven't ridden it since 2015 (or been to the park since then) so I don't know how it has been running lately. I did do the drive thru Christmas light thing they had this year and they clearly have done a lot of work around the park the past few years but they really have closed in the ride side of the park with the waterpark additions the past few years. Granted the waterpark was way under built when the park opened and the amusement park was over built back then. The fact that they sold season passes for this season and never said anything about Rampage being closed is pathetic though. 

    I rode Rampage in 2019, 2020, and 2023. Besides the first drop after the retracking, everywhere else got progressively worse. Rode it 30 times in 19, could barley do 10 last year.

  2. ^Can confirm that didn't happen. Visited this past December after Christmas on our way down to Orlando to hit the SeaWorld parks. It is definitely on the way to becoming a budget family park. Got the 6 credits and left, the vekoma's weren't that bad honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if this place eventually gets rid of all it's big thrills and becomes a full on family/wildlife park in the near future. Silver lining is I did get to ride Vikings Voyage (now Hurricane) in Kissimmee and it was pretty fun. Bummed I was never able to do cheetah, but at least I got everything. Likely won't return.

  3. On 8/9/2023 at 10:56 AM, tndank said:

    Solid reason to believe the box at Over Georgia is pointing to an Intamin Ultra Surf.  https://www.intamin.com/product/ultra-surf/

    Specs match.  Locations match intamin offices, etc.  Looking very possible OG is getting this spinning launch coaster.

    I will be A-OK with this, anything but a free spin. Should be a fun concept especially if they commit.

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