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About sander-kay

  • Birthday 05/13/1989

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  1. you can see it like that yes. but at SM the train stops very hard, At Th flying dutchman, the boat stops at the excact point where it would connect with the chain, so i guess (and hope) it wound be a hard stop. today there where test-running whole day! enjoy!
  2. You're correct. That's because in the darkride , there's a video projection so with this 3-4-3-4 seats, you can sea the projection better (and ofcourse more). It's just like a cinema. Intamin has made the new system for the lift. Before the boat come's to the lift, it falls 6 meters down with a drop, en then up to the chain, but if the boat wouldn't connect directly with the chain, it would fallback and you could have a whiplash (or something like that), that was the problem. So intamin made a brake at the excact point where the boat has to connect with the chain. When the boat drops at the first drop and runs to the chain, the brake will hold the boat until the boat is connect with the chain, so it can't fallback anymore (if the system works ) I hope you all understood what I said
  3. Good news! They're test-running again since friday! And yesterday i'v seen 4 tests again and made some pictures for you all! enjoy!
  4. Here are my photo's: These are the real boats and will be set on the track very soon. Here will be placed the waiting time. Anti Roll-back will be replaced on the testing boat 2 Extra persons with a wheelchair person traction ash from the chain. Safety cam The lion that will be on the front of every boat.[/img]
  5. hi there, with my Camera (no video but just a digital) I filmed Python and made a video of it. Download http://www.rollercoasterpark.com/Python(1).wmv enjoy
  6. hi there! my name is Sander kay (yes a double name) but you can say Sander . I live in The Netherlands yust 10 minutes by bike from Efteling Kaatsheuvel. I am 15 years old and I love Rollercoasters. My English will not be so perfect, so I hope you will understand . I hope I will have a great time here .
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