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Posts posted by pizza>poop

  1. I'm going to out to Ohio to visit my family late July and the first few days in August, and was wondering what day Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, would have the fewest people ther?. What kind of wait times should I anticipate if I go on the least crowded day?


    Also, I was thinking of going the night before and doing the after 4 PM deal, and then doing the next full day as planned similar to what you did.... is it a better deal to just buy a season pass or pay for two days? I'm also from Orange County, so I'm thinking of getting a MAXX PASS in order to do both days, and then also be able to visit Knotts. Does anyone know if MAXX PASSES are for a full year (like a Disneyland Pass) or is it just for 2007? Anyway, any help would be appreciated.

  2. Great TR.


    Had a random question while we're on the topic of CP. I'm going to out there visiting family late the first few days in August, and was wondering what day Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, would have fewer people there. What kind of wait times should I anticipate if I go on the least crowded day?


    Also, I was thinking of going the night before and doing the after 4 PM deal, and then doing the next full day as planned similar to what you did.... is it a better deal to just buy a season pass or pay for two days? I'm also from Orange County, so I'm thinking of getting a MAXX PASS in order to do both days, and then also be able to visit Knotts. Does anyone know if MAXX PASSES are for a full year (like a Disneyland Pass) or is it just for 2007? Anyway, any help would be appreciated.

  3. I thought once I heard that the Dragon Mountain coaster was supposed to be some hybrid that changed from inverted to above the track. Can anybody elaborate on that?


    1. I'll elaborate on that. That's silly and impracticable, if not altogether impossible. Jim Hill talked about 'Fire Mountain' at MK having those capabilities... but in reverse order... and equally retarded. Read below.


    2. Jim Hill is boss. Read further.




    3. If it weren't for park hopper passes, no one would visit AK. It's still on phase 1 (perhaps 1.1 with the addition of Exped Everest).


    4. I need to reiterate how cool Jim Hill is, and how he loves to take a dump on Eisner.


    5. I think its pretty clear with the popularity (or lack of) of Lost Continent with the average guest that this will never built.

  4. I actually wrote 2000 to begin with, because of Stealth and Millennium Force, but then I thought; "No, everyones going to put 2000; I should go with the year my #1 coaster, Ghostrider opened." So I changed it at the last minute.


    1927 is my third runner up. Several of these coasters are no longer operating, but were refered to as great rides.


    Wildcat@Lake Compounce

    Cyclone@Astroland(#1 of the Harry Traver "Cyclone Triplets")


    Legend@Arnold's Park

    Big Beast@Edgewater Park

    Cyclone@Palisades Park(#3 of the Harry Traver "Cyclone Triplets")

    Racing Whippet@Westview Park

    Zip@Oaks Park


    You're reaching for the sake of being interesting. 2000 is the correct answer.

  5. Simply stated, if you're working at Cedar Point you're doing it because you love the job, not because you love the pay.

    Amen. The debate has been settled.

    Still, if you live in Sandusky, Cedar Point is probably employer #1. Or 2.


    They may have a largest employee workforce, but they're far from a monopolizing institution. There are a ton of hotels and restaurants in town that hire the same type of worker. I'm even willing to bet that the employees who work in the hotels and restaurants owned by Cedar Point make more than the ride ops, food service workers, ticket sales...whatever. Reguardless, they all make more than minimum wage so why this topic exists is beyond me.

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