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  1. One observation that doesn't seem to be mentioned yet. If we were to assume the ride height is 213ft, and Valravn's drop is 214ft, than with the tunnel included this dive machine will likely have the record for the biggest drop of all dive coasters. So, it breaks the record of the largest drop (which is the primary element of a dive coaster) while not technically breaking the record for the tallest dive coaster. As such Valravn can keep it's record, which seems to be one of Cedar Point's focus' while delivering potentially the best drop on a dive yet. I for one am ok with that, but a giga would have been swell. edit: Sorry just noticed Stealth mentioned this a few pages back. I think the 213ft makes the most sense by far. I don't think CW was using that height in their announcement tease to trick anybody.
  2. The coaster is either going to be 291.75 Feet tall, or the drop will be 291.75 feet. 3215 feet will be the length, the height/drop will 3501 inches. i.e. 291.75 feet. 3501 / 12 = 291.75. First post, simply because I'm reasonably confident I'm right, and if I am I want a cookie. Preferably chocolate chip.
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