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Everything posted by Kyndmusic
Hey, I am a local. Yes, the park has been dead this summer most of the time. Sorry, I can't answer the Batman seat question but I don't ever remember seeing this. I don't expect the back of the park to be closed during Holiday is the Park. Especially because they just re-tracked GASM this year. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.
I was able to make it out on Friday and the crowds were very light. I was there for less than 3 hours and I didn't wait more than 1 train for any ride. The re-track of GASM exceeded my expectations. It's not perfectly smooth but it's actually fun to ride again. I would recommend the second to last car. I also rode in the front but I think the back is still the better place to be. I don't know how long it's going to stay in this condition. I would get out there and take advantage while you can.
Unfortunately, they had mechanical issues with MB this morning and it never opened during the planned preview time for me. They did test with 3 trains, so capacity shouldn't be an issue. I know from speaking to others that it did finally open mid afternoon, hopefully someone else will post a review. I attached a short video during testing. MB-1.mp4
I spent less than 2 hours at the park today(Sun). I was able to get 2 rides on TS and 3 on Goliath. My last ride was on GASM, I was curious to see if they did any work to it during the off season. On my way out at about 12:15 I saw park president Dale K out front. I asked him if they were still on schedule for the re-tracking of GASM for it's 50th anniversary in 2023. This time the story seemed completely different from the last. He of course blamed Covid for them being behind but he also seemed he backed away from the words I used re-tracking. I may be wrong but i'm betting the fantasy of a refurbished GASM seems unlikely now. I think they may do some patch work but I remember being told specifically the track was being replaced almost entirely. On another subject he did give me some details about Mindbender. Instead of (2) 7 car trains there will now be (3) 5 car trains. I'm sure that means they have to modify the braking/staging system to accommodate the extra train. He didn't tell me a time frame for it's opening, but I would think Memorial day would be a good guess. The track looked complete from the angle I was looking but it still needs to be painted and tested. I imagine the park will be packed by mid day today, it was getting pretty crowded and there was still a long line of cars waiting to get in. Everyone really wants to get out of the house, please be safe!!!
I have to call out SFOG yesterday on a few levels. I'll preface this by saying i've been coming to this park for over 40 years. First, it seems all of the permanent pass/ticket machines were broken. They had to use portable ones which made the line to get in ridiculous. Second, it seems the red train is broken on TS. It didn't work last week at all and again this week the same issue. They had all week to work on it and it was still down. 3rd, why would you only be running 1 train on Goliath? This make no sense at all. Finally, as we walked through the park at least half the rides were closed or had a sign stating only 1 train running today. If I wasn't a member I would have been extremely pissed by the decision making yesterday. I hope they resolve these problems before spring break.
I also had a chance to get to the park late Sunday night for a couple of rides on TC. I've ridden it over 40x now and I have to say it was running faster than ever before. I was out of my seat during the entire wave turn and the hill before and after the turn around were especially intense. I'm curious if anyone else has had the same experience recently? Thanks
I agree I would ride Twisted Cyclone and DDD first. Yes, the train has reopened. I would just buy a whole new pass at SFOG as they don't automatically renew. You're probably too late in the year for Passholder perks, but it's possible they could add something that hasn't been posted yet. I can't help you with Lake Winnie, sorry.
For all of those curious the park just posted the link. The preview for members and pass holders will be all day Friday 10:30am-8:00pm. It will not be open to the general public until Saturday. https://www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia/special-events/celebration/gold%C2%A0and-platinum-member-preview-day-twisted-cyclone
Interesting! I know Media Day is the 23rd so maybe they will formally announce it that day!! If it is Friday, I will miss it due to a graduation I guess the wildcard would be Thursday. If the media day goes well on Wednesday there's no reason they can't have a soft opening/Passholders preview on Thursday. I think they would rather open it on Friday to less crowds then to try for Saturday of Memorial day weekend.
I'd like to know this too. One of the main reasons I decided to pull the trigger on a membership this year was because they advertised this as a perk. If they aren't going to do a soft opening for members, they really need to plan some other sort of event to make up for it. (Not just passholder previews for Fright Nights) Also, War Eagle. I called the park today to specifically ask about this and was told there WILL be a preview at the end of the week. She said watch the SFOG website for more details. I get the feeling the preview will have to be sometime on Friday since I think they're trying to have TS open to the public on Saturday. I also found a cached link that has not been made public yet but looks Very interesting. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:o8olLF450wcJ:https://www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia/special-events/celebration/twisted-cyclone-t-shirt-ride-event&num=1&client=firefox-b-1-ab&hl=en&gl=us&strip=0&vwsrc=0