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Everything posted by Fisch

  1. Flooded Mine will stay where it is. Re-routing is being worked on to prevent the bottleneck that occurred in that area for many years.
  2. Hey Everyone! Hope you're all excited about Time Traveler this year at Silver Dollar City! My name is Dalton Fischer, and I'm a publicist at Silver Dollar City. If you have questions about the park or our newest coaster, I'd love to answer them. I'll answer as much as I can about rides, shows, food, and even certain behind-the-scenes topics. I'll also try to post content regularly to this thread, and I'll do my best to monitor the thread so I can be timely about answering your questions. I'm not sure if any other park does this, so we'll see how this goes. This isn't an AMA, per say; rather, I'd like to keep it fun and informative and just spark conversation. Obviously, I'm not going to reveal strategies, trade secrets, or anything like that, but I'll still answer MOST questions the best that I can. By the way, love this thread! I enjoy seeing the passion that many of you have for the park and the surrounding area of Branson. Here's an exclusive—installing the first train to the transfer track a few months ago!
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