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SixFlagsOMA80 last won the day on October 31 2023

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  1. Looks like Six Flags is discontinuing Diamond Elite passes and upgrading them to Diamond elite VIP along with a price increase. I assume that will hit our park at some point. Looks like it already happened at a handful of parks
  2. You know at this point you are 100%. There is no reason why this thing shouldn't be done by now. I stand by that it probably will never reopen at this point, they redid Kingda Ka's trains this year I believe only to tear the whole thing down. Cedar Fair Management probably put the X on this project in July and when we return in April I bet that area will be cleared along with another ride or 2. (This is what happens when the company fails to communicate)
  3. My guess now is that the carousel will never reopen. Cedar Fair has no interest and when we visit in 2025 the remaining parts of it will be removed.
  4. It was later updated to include the removal of their drop ride leaving as well.
  5. agreed- i don't even want to hear the words Christmas when it is summer. That's the last thing I want to think about.
  6. At the start of the season they had said it would by ready by summer. That never happened. What are we going on, 5-6 years now? Laughable at this point. The Zoo just started to redo their carousel.
  7. One thing I noticed Sunday when I was there was the train was not running for the freaks. Hopefully it didn’t break again. It has been running super slow lately, slower than it ever has in the past.
  8. I thought Dan Snider was the GM of SFSTL and we stopped sharing with Great America? Did that change again??
  9. Six Flags really wont be running anything, 95% of the company will be ran by Cedar Fair upper management from a corporate level. The new Six Flags is really just the old Cedar Fair. I overheard some conversations that Cedar Fair people were recently at our park and see a lot of future and charm with our park. Not like we haven't heard that before. While this is a merger it is similar in fact that when Premier Parks (the company that killed the Six Flags name) took over from Time Warner that they just changed their name to Six Flags. One thing to bare in mind however is that much like the Time Warner years a lot of people liked the parks that Cedar Fair took over when they were owned by Paramount, ie Kings Island. Movie companies just have a way of making their parks look and run better. This is proven by Disney and Universal Studios.
  10. That would be it. They had saved some and used as places to sit near the train. I guess they recently trashed them.
  11. It was put there for a specific reason, it was similar to the ride that used to be there minus the water.
  12. I thought the communication in March was that the carousel would be open around June. Doesn't look like much progress has been made. Probably wont open until October at this point.
  13. Yes, the platform is definitely lowered in the position that it would be if the ride was running to allow water at the bottom. Normally its level with the station platform for loading.
  14. Anyone know what is up with Tsunami Soaker being closed this summer? I guess they are dumping another ride on the death block?
  15. Back in 2020/2021 there was talks from the park that was even on the news that they were restoring the Bat Mobile and it was bringing brought back to the que line where they recently redid the Bat logo. Is that not happening anymore?
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