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Matthieu - News Parcs -

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Everything posted by Matthieu - News Parcs -

  1. Hi ! With 3 of my friends, we are coming from Paris to visit many parks in the North East of USA ... The Planning is finalised but, i thought it could be interresting to ask you your tips. We : - want to ride the most, espessialy all that we call a credit ^^, but not also - don't like to wait too much - like to eat some very good food, and the cheapper the better - don't like to run everywhere : I mean : the park atmospheer is also important. - visit all parks for the first time - like "kitch" features - are big kids - speaking english as well as ... Planning is : Dimanche 20 août (08.20) from Newark, 12:00pm 1. Coney Island 2. Rye Playland Park Lundi 21 août 3. Six Flags New England Mardi 22 août 4. Lake Compounce Mercredi 23 août 5. Dorney Park Jeudi 24 août 6. Hershey Park Vendredi 25 août 7. Knoebel's Samedi 26 août 8. Ville de Washington Dimanche 27 août 9. Six Flags America Lundi 28 août 10. Busch Gardens Europe Mardi 29 août 11. Paramount's Kings Dominion Mercredi 30 août 12. Clementon Amusement Park 13. Six Flags Great Adventure Jeudi 31 août 13. Six Flags Great Adventure Vendredi 1 septembre (09.01) 14. Ville de New York Samedi 2 septembre 14. Ville de New York to Newark at 22:00pm Every tip is welcome, so if you know well one or some of these parks, if you know how to pay less , everything that I have to know before visiting theses parks ... At last, we are leaving France the 18th, so I will loose my 26M ADSL Internet Connection : I must know if it is as easy to find some "not protected" free Wifi in USA as in Europe beacuse, we want to write a blog in live. Thank you !!
  2. Hi ! I'm one of the french guys Well, i just wonder what is the six flags season passes prices strategy, because it for us impossible to buy them. It is said we have to live less than 300 miles from the park, and we lives more than 6000 Will they increase the price all the year, as they made in Europe ? What could you advice us to do ? Of course, all advices about all those parks are welcome : which ride to do at the opening, what are the good things to know, which are the best restaurants ...
  3. My favorites groups : - Mes souliers sont rouges - Debout sur le zinc - Ska-P (it's ska music)
  4. Here are some pics from Walibi Lorraine. Some stuff you didn't see by leaving the park early And the best souvenir from the park ... We decided to call it "la poupée salope". Try to translate Even More Alcohol ... More Alcohol Alcohol Country Dance... A fun ghost Another fine pet Baby Donkey
  5. My exams are the 23rd, 24th, 28th and 29th of June. I'll try to join to you etiher between (Phantasialand,Klotten,Holiday Park would interrest me) or after (Walibi Lorraine and Disneyland). For the 2nd of July, I'll have to go to my parent's home, and I need to go trough Paris. Even more, if you are interessted in My Lorraine's home has internet 20M. Walibi > My Home is 1h. My home > Disneyland is 3h (and free) In comparison Walibi > disneyland is a little bit more than 3h and 30€. Matthieu "What is the ratio time on road/time on coasters?" Galus.
  6. That's a good idea I'll exchange this. I'm living at 50 minutes far from Walibi Lorraine. They works a lot to make a better park. We can of course meet there, but it will depend on the date. Walibi Lorraine was a park where we laught a lot ... try to see it : http://newsparcs03.free.fr/albumphoto/album.php?albu=walibi_lorraine
  7. I just uploaded my first projected programm : http://newsparcs.com/floride2005/emploidutemps.htm 12. What do you think about it ? I was said it's a little bit stupid to go from AK to MK, but, that is interressing looking at the opening hours. What is written in french mean : - the letters (E,G,...) are for the people names. - vol = fly - tout le monde = everybody - Journée Touriste = touristic day - et/ou = and/or - the little lines sais i took last year hours for disneyworld, and that MK Halloween Event is yet missing. - A Faire Absoluement = must do [Edit] I forgot days translation. It starts on Ve (Vendredi) wich is Friday in english. [/Edit] Matthieu "likes to start questions with numbers" Galus.
  8. I saw you were asking if i find my member title well. It's perfect, but it would be more with adding some "s", and with a "^". > J'aime les montagnes russes, mais j'adore les ânes! Matthieu "I'm sure i'm also making mistakes in my english" Galus.
  9. The programm is : 4 days at DisneyWorld 2 days at Universal Resort 1 day at Busch Gardens 1 day at Sea World and 1 day for visiting Orlando, Old Town, and so on... As i'm coming with my PR of Dineyland Paris, I don't need tickets for the WDW theme parks - just for a water park So, 10. Which is the best disney's water park ? I would say blizzard Beach, but ? For the other parks, I would hesitate between buying a flex ticket 5 parks, or buying a 2 days ticket for universal, and another 2 days tickets for both busch gardens and seaworld. 11. What do you thing about ? Matthieu "only 6 mounth to wait" Galus.
  10. More difficult : could you find me a member title, but written in french ? [To help you some very used words : rollercoaster = montagne russe, donkey = âne]
  11. Well, Let's continue with questions : 7. Is http://www.knowbeforeugo.com a good place to buy tickets ? 8. Is it a good idea at disneyworld to visit 2 parks a day ? I mean, does it take time to go from a park to another. 9. I heard road are not all free in Florida. In France, there is a law saying that if a motorway is not free, there must by a good other road free in the same direction. Shall I pay - and if yes, how much - to go from the airport to WDW, and from WDW to Universal Resort,Busch Gardens & SeaWorld ? And I up the question 4. which didn't find it answer : 4.In october, is it usefull to buy an unlimited universal express for the both universal parks ? Matthieu "I received my passport yesterday" Galus.
  12. Thank you for answering, i'll probably have some others questions but they have to come on mind. We perhaps could meet one day ? Let's talk about that when you'll come in Europa... Matthieu "Thank you" Galus.
  13. Hi ! I'm Matthieu, french and rollercoaster fan. In October and with friends, we will go to visit florida's parks. So I've got some questions to benefit from the knowledge of those who know this area. First questions are about travel and airports in USA. 1. We first stop at New York Newark airport for 2 hours before flying to Orlando Internationnal Airport. Where is the immigration control ? At New York or at Orlando ? 2.How long can this control take, especially for foreigners ? What are the things to know about it ? About Florida 3. Is there holidays in october in Florida ? About theme parks 4.In october, is it usefull to buy an unlimited universal express for the both universal parks ? 5.How does it happen with the halloween events ? (Howl O Scream @ Busch Gardens, Halloween Horror Nights @ Universal and Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party @ Magic Kingdom) Is it a seperate tickets - or included in the flex ticket ? Are the attractions opens ... Is it great ? 6.Where is the best place to buy tickets ? Parks Gates? Official Internet web page ? others ? Thank you for answering Matthieu "It's a curious way to sign" Galus.
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