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Everything posted by Sunscreemer

  1. My two thoughts on the name of SW8 1. It could be 'The Welcoming' (The Wicker Man could be used for merchandise or something else as it could just be the theme, it doesn't have to be called Wicker Man even if it has that theme) but no trade marks have been applied for for 'The Welcoming' that would fit. 2. ...however my new theory based on the trademark check I just did below- they are still in the process of getting the desired trademark and using 'The Welcoming' as the prequel tease and placeholder name. I think trademarking IP's involves multiple trademarks usually and Merlin have secured some but not all- Trade mark status is registered for Lane IP's earlier application (word TM) but for the logo with the name in bold WICKER MAN (figurative TM) is still (latest update) Trade mark status: Application under examination. So I'm sure it will be Wicker Man if the Trade Mark gets passed or that may be something associated with a ride of that theme that could have a different name such as 'The Welcoming' But being a poet something jumped out at me at Scarefest that wasn't one of the scare maze actors: The Wel- co- ming- The wi- cker- man- T W C M and four syllables Sneaky! Official trademark info: https://euipo.europa.eu/eSearch/#basic/1+1+1+1/100+100+100+100/wicker%20man and https://www.tmdn.org/tmview/welcome (amusingly) then search 'Wicker Man' Speaking of scare mazes the SW8 linked 'The Welcoming' is a must, kind of confirms it without giving you any maze spoilers. If they theme the ride as good as this gives them scope to it will be awesome and the ride's looking good too. Airtime and extreme banking/speed? Multiple head-choppers? Both seem very possible and the lots in a limited space factor could be good. Higher than it looks too? And that extra thing warned of on the notice for this maze only at the park might be a clue- it's rather dark. A bit like an enclosed space?
  2. OK. Having been thinking it would be piratey due to the original teasers (Walk The Plank/ Shiver Me Timbers were my fun names of personal choice) years ago, now they may it seems be going for The Wicker Man and siting it in Gloomy Wood location wise I have two out there but possible ideas. 1. original teasers did link it to old log flume- could it still have water, still on theme because water puts out... 2. Fire. Yes, I'm thinking, long shot but possible, could be a world first and have fire. On a wooden coaster (not as crazy as it sounds as timber can be fireproofed and distances made safe etc, surely very possible with what we now know, maybe even a fire tunnel like stunt rider props for coasters hehe) Blackpool wowed people with Valhalla, could it be slightly dark ride plus coasterish? Slightly out there theory but in The Wicker Man "The villagers force Howie inside a giant wicker man statue, set it ablaze and surround it" from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wicker_Man#Plot So maybe fire then a splashdown to 'put it out' And re the 'isn't it a family ride' factor, horror has influenced lots of rides such as Saw, Hex, Thirteen, Ghost Train... and it might be kind of teen-upwards level family target, so can see it being along those lines. Horror's not so horrific in 2017 for many, for some yes, but it's somewhat mainstream now from computer and board games to TV, films and of course theme parks.
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