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Posts posted by STDog

  1. Does Dollywood follow a strict Cedar Fair-like rain policy of closing everything down or are they more likely to keep most coasters open in the rain?


    Coasters stay open in the rain. They only shut them down for lightning.

    Not sure how far out their detectors are, but I think it's 30 min w/o lightning to restart.


    Search this thread as I recall a few mentions of it before.


    But the rest of the park stays open unless it's really bad/unsafe.

  2. What time of year generally does Wild Eagle shut down for the wasps/hornets/bees/bugs? I can't recall when that migration time is and if they close the ride completely or if it's open during early morning and in the evening. Can someone with more information and a better memory fill me in?


    Later in the summer I think. Late Aug and Sep.


  3. The park is much more crowded today versus yesterday. I caught the new site Enra yesterday. I had not seen them on America's Got Talent, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I loved the first 10 minutes of the show, then the show started dragging and I fell asleep. I woke up for the last 5 minutes, which was similar to the parts that put me to sleep.


    A few minutes with Google and YouTube would have told you what to expect.

    - motion graphics performing arts -


    Either you like that style of dance or you don't. Sort of like ballet, not for everyone.

  4. One thing I missed this year are the vendors for festival of Nations.. while small and not many, I enjoyed seeing them selling clothing, bags, and other stuff from other nations.. I might just be missing the vendors but I haven't seen them this year on my visits.


    My wife was bummed by their absence too.



    Their core audience is getting older and a lot of people could care less about the shows and demonstrations.


    Don't tell my 12yr old


    But the demos aren't​ what they were in the past. I don't watch them much either.

    In the past more interesting things were done, and presented in more interesting ways.


    Same with the shows. They used to be a lot better.

  5. [look how much Universal caught up to the with attendance growth? Was that due to the lack of new rides?


    Some variation is needed, but 4-5 years between additions/changes are generally enough.


    Disney has to keep certain classics/icons around too.


    But the biggest thing I see there is the type of rides. Universal has higher thrill​ rides while disney stay family friendly, targeting their core audience, 12 and under.


    Dollywood sees a jump in attendance everytime they have a big ticket item..


    Recent additions are drawing a different demographic.


    As much as I like high thrill rides like WE and LR, i'd rather DW focus on it's core. My first visit was the late '80s and the park was great w/o all the thrill rides.


    I'd like to see more shows with better acts, even some well known stars.


    I'd like more craftsmen doing more stuff. Some more options for guest participation would be great.

  6. Last year they also announced the largest single addition in the park's history in the form of the fastest and only launched wooden coaster in the world. While it didn't open on time, tons of people expected it to and booked trips to Dollywood.


    Bingo. Last years numbers just ain't going to be repeated any time soon.


    Or maybe it's just proof that the folks who visited Dollywood last year for LR could care less about the National Park and didn't even visit it.


    That's my take. And I suspect the increased numbers in GSMNP are not they type to visit DW.


    So if normally 50% of the NP visitors visit DW, I figure the extra 30% at the NP so far are less likely to visit DW, say 25%.

  7. Actually I was at Dollywood once and they closed wild eagle while looking for a guys wallet haha so they do retrieve some stuff.. I know SFOG retrieves stuff like this after the park closes and makes you come back the next day for it.. I bet Dollywood does something similar. I was actually at SFOG for a late night concert one time that ended after park hours.. ops walked under the coasters with lights for about an hour looking for stuff.. I was surprised..


    Not surprised they check/clear the area, though wouldn't expect it to be daily.

    Although letting stuff build up in some areas might serve as a good warning and get a few more to pay attention.


    I can see a few things being returned, but most of it should be trashed, as punishment.

  8. That's the only one I found when I searched.. and this is exactly why everyone should listen when they say no loose articles on the ride lol.


    For sure. A real douche. Not a lot on YouTube, but he chooses to post one of the dumbest things he's done. Posted as if he's proud of it of something (added slow motion effects)


    And how'd he get the phone back at all? I didn't think they'd retrieve lost articles, especially something that was so flagrant a violation.



    I mentioned putting stuff in zipped pockets. I won't even ride wearing sunglasses cause 1) they might hurt someone, and 2) I don't want to loose them ($100+ to replace, but less than most phones). I'll even drop them down my shirt if I forget in the station.


    Thank you Lightning Rod. Any ride that forcibly removes a phone from someone who shoots video like that is bound to move up a little in my rankings.


    Certainly a pro. Does he not know how to stop the recording instead of just flashing to random locations while standing? Or hold the device straight?


    He does claim he won't put a phone in a pocket on a ride again.

    "I had kept my phone in my pocket many times on many rides. But I never will again."


    Not sure I believe that though. Old habits...


    And either he got a lot of nasty comments he deleted or he knew they were coming as comments are disabled on that video (but not his other 2 on YouTube)

  9. OH and I think someone mentioned back about things in pockets on LR and then the coaster was down for some time Monday? Well there's a video on YouTube of a man who stupidly put his phone in his front pocket, left the phone on record and once the train hit that pre drop out the phone went and you can see it fly over the rows of riders and it lands and slams a kid then rides down the drop with him where it looks to either tumble down the track in pieces OR bounce off. Either way it lands directly beside the drop and you can even watch another train absolutely fly by.


    What's the name of the video you speak of?





    I searched a dozen different ways on YouTube and Google and found nothing.

  10. My biggest complaint of Wild Eagle is that you dont get much of a chance to enjoy the view on top of the lift hill. I was able to get a look under Drop Line yesterday and it has the ability to rotate.







    One of the guys working in it confirmed the seats rotate on the way up.


    So I hope they will leave you up there and let you rotate a bit before you drop back down.


    Supposed too...

    Drop line was doing a lot of testing this morning and we watched several cycles of it. It rotates around the tower several times while ascending. Once it gets to the top of the tower it stops climbing, and makes one full rotation. Then it climbs just a few feet more and abruptly drops. Can't wait to ride Dollywoods unique to the States drop tower!!!
  11. And the crown is a little...generic? (see below)


    I expected something more custom-made for Dollywood...even a butterfly for Dolly (I'm sure they would have made it tasteful).


    Perhaps it was a late decision and there wasn't time to design and build something custom?


    The tech I talked to Wednesday hinted at it being a late decision.



    They could always add to it later.

  12. Wait, dogs aren't allowed on the hiking trails? Good to know but that sucks. It only takes a few a-holes with their off leash dogs running after wildlife/biting someone/not cleaning up after them/etc. to ruin it for everyone.

    Dogs are not allowed in the entirety of the Smoky Mountains National Park which is absolutely ridiculous. Dogs honestly belong there more than humans do. It is nature. The fact that my dog isn't allowed to go in a natural forest really pisses me off.

    Domesticated dogs belong there no more than other domesticated animals like cows, chickens, or pigs.

  13. We finally decided 2 days at DW and 2 days for hiking, but seeing as I can't bring my dog

    I guess we will knock it down to 1 day of hiking. Bummer.


    For every dog like yours and owner like you there are a dozen that are trouble.


    There are places you cab keep the dog while you hike and do other things in the area. I think DW has a day kennel.


    ETA - thedlr, thanks for that link! I had no idea dogs weren't allowed at many of the large national parks. We'll check out some of the other hiking areas nearby so we can include the dog.


    Many never check and get all offended is you point it out to them.

  14. Rainbow Falls is a nice hike, I was actually up in that area today as well.. hung up my ENO beside the river and napped for like 2 hours haha.


    We should have met up. I didn't think about it until too late this morning and of course no cell signal.


    Was originally going to do an easier hike, Baskin Falls, but I got confused as to where the trail head is. Ended up on Rainbow and went for it. My wife and daughter weren't thrilled at 2 hrs in, but the deer made them happy. 4 white tails. They crossed the trail in front of us, then parallel for a while before coming back and using the trail a while. Finally down to the creek just before the first bridge.

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