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Posts posted by Golfie

  1. I worked at Hersheypark for five years, and by far the toughest ride to work at that time was the skyride. You had to bring the car to a stop to let people out, then push it hard enough so it would go around the curve to the other side to let more passengers on. Sometimes one operator would do both the unload and load, walking the car around the turn. That made for a very long and tiring day.




    Same as what they have to do at BGA.

  2. Two things...


    TPR will now definitely be going to Spain in 2007!!!!!


    I have always stressed it, but this is just another confirmation of the "Intamin always does bulk deals" with parks. So many parks seem to get almost a "package" deal with Intamin over a 5 year span. This is awesome!


    :o Elissa! That's a great chance to ride your MOST FAVORITE ride of all time - TARANTULA!!!


    Anyways, the new coaster sounds like it'll be pretty cool. I'll probably just be looking at pictures and videos of it since I most likely won't go to Spain for now.

  3. I started working on this park yesterday and have built almost all of the rides. Now I'm working on tedious theming to make the park look byoo-tee-ful. All of the roller coasters and buildings are custom built by me.


    Here are some screenshots:


    The entrance to the park and the main fountain area thing.


    Thistle lodge is fancy because it's sponsered by coca-cola. :p


    My most favorite roller coaster in the park - Phosphate


    A small kiddie-coaster called "Caterpillar"


    The station and part of "Top Scream"

  4. I suppose that rules me out for a few years until I'm a bit older... I'm only 13 and I doubt that any park would actually let a 13 year old film an on ride video.


    I guess it's just going to be off-ride video for a while!





    I somehow get into the Alvey possy and travel the world to get mad crazy POV's!




    -- Golf "Total Robb Alvey rip off" freak

  5. I was wondering, how do you go about taking on-ride video?


    Do you tell the park that you have a website or something? How do they let you put a camera on the train?


    Also, do you just sneak a camera onto the ride, or does the park just permit it?

  6. We could use another one in southern Wisconsin... The Dells are awesome, but only if you're planning to take a 2 hour drive from where I live.


    If not in southern Wisconsin, maybe in northern Illinois. Six Flags Great America is an easy place to get to - only an hour away.




    Anyways, a cedar fair park would be AWESOME! Not Disney - I'd rather have roller coasters than mostly dark rides and shows.

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