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  1. Did anyone see where a employee died today in the hospital after falling off a boat on the river Rapids ride. very tragic
  2. So I was able to go to Adventureland today and get 10 rides on the monster! The unfortunate part is I did notice a few times that it is getting a slight gerstlauer rattle right before the corkscrew at the end. It is an absolutely amazing coaster though!!!
  3. I have never been on a B&M coaster with lap bars but these are by far my favorite restraints I've had!
  4. It's not. I rode the coaster yesterday and I have to say it was the smoothest coster I have ever been on! ^
  5. Hello Everyone! I just visited Adventureland today and was very impressed. I arrived about 12pm and the monster of corse was the first thing I went to. The line was about 20 minutes thanks to the park running 3 trains on the coaster. You really don't realize how steep the climb is and how steep the drop is until you experience the coaster. It is absolutely in the top 3 coasters I have ever ridden! It was smooth, fast, and quiet. The unfortunate part was the park had to close many rides at 1pm today due to the high winds. This included the space shot, storm chaser, falling star, and unfortunately the monster. Im glad I was able to catch at least 1 ride today though. Overall, I think Adventureland is becoming a even better park and I cannot wait to see what they have planned for the next years!!! Below are some pictures I shot through the park today: -Sam The first thing I did at the park was hop on the sky ride and get my first peak at The Monster!!! This coaster is absolutely huge! The monster twists all around the sky ride. You can get some amazing views of the lift hill/drop from the beginning of the line More shots. The station may be a little small but its looking great with a little more work to be done. All the track below from the sky ride Our next coaster was the tornado, this is now my second favorite coaster in the park. Almost to the end of the tornado! Our next ride was the Dragon. After riding the monster, this seems like nothing. The Dragon is not as rough as previous years though The Dragon and Tornado are such photogenic coasters. Our last coaster was the Outlaw. This is a pretty good coaster but I prefer the Tornado. They also had a pretty fun disk type ride called the sidewinder. This is in the Old West section of the park with the big yellow water slide and the Outlaw roller coaster. This is one of two water rides left at Aland after the removal of the log ride. This one is my favorite water ride. This is Adventure Bay. This water park is fairly new and has some great attractions including a playhouse w/ waterslides, 5 tube slides, 2 speed slides, a 8 lane racer, Iowas largest wave pool, and a loooong lazy river. Climbing up the lift hill of the Outlaw! Adventureland's new skyline! These speed slides give you a serious rush, especially the red/white/blue one! Their Windseeker attraction named Storm Chaser was not operating today due to the 37mph wind! The Monster T-shirts! I like this one a little better but I got them both! Such a beauty... A little different view using a fish eye lens. Most people were very excited for their first ride on the monster! I do have to say, I love the design of the trains and I absolutely love the restraints (they're comfortable, not to harsh, but do their job).
  6. Im going to ride the monster tomorrow and I cannot wait!!! I have heard nothing but rave reviews. I will take plenty of photos.
  7. That video looks amazing!!!! I also found these photos on Adventrelands FB today while crews were installing speakers. We should have a opening date soon!!!
  8. I actually prefer this over the log ride. It's a unique expirence spinning around and then those bumps. I much prefer this over the log ride or Ragin Rapids. If people want to get wet then they can go to the water park.
  9. Water dummies are up!!!! This should start testing in the next 24-48 hours!!!
  10. It's been a big day for the monster! Photo from FB. Everything looks to be in place and it should start testing any time now.
  11. Found this video on FB and this looks huge and I love how close the interaction is with the skyride!
  13. Here's a peak on how the monster will appear on the 2016 park map!
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