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  1. Three hometown parks! (I live inside the triangle where these parks are located.) Knoebels 1. Phoenix (All-time favorite coaster) 2. Flying Turns 3. Impulse 4. Twister 5. Kosmo's Kurves 6. Black Diamond (to be fair, even though it's my least favorite in the park, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it) Dorney Park 1. Talon 2. Steel Force 3. Hydra the Revenge 4. Possessed 5. Thunderhawk 6. Wild Mouse 7. Stinger 8. Woodstock Express Hersheypark 1. Skyrush (All-time favorite steel coaster) 2. Lightning Racer 3. Storm Runner 4. Great Bear 5. Fahrenheit 6T. Wildcat 6T. Comet 8. Sooperdooperlooper 9. Wild Mouse 10. Trailblazer 11. Sidewinder NR: Cocoa Cruiser NR: Laff Trakk
  2. Hey, Robb, my name is Ryan, I'm a website designer/developer from Pennsylvania that just loves roller coasters. I've been subscribed to TPR's YouTube channel for quite a while (back when it had less subscribers than CoasterForce, cough cough), and I must say that your production skills are quite nice, and that your videos have brought me a great amount of entertainment. Kudos to you for that, by the way! So, my questions to you, knowing that you're a video game producer (I've read through the thread and looked at your Wikipedia page), are as such: 1. What would you say is your crowning achievement in your video game producing career? 2. Do you have a favorite video game genre? 3. What's your favorite video game of all time? 4. How involved were you in helping Chris Sawyer with the RCT series?
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