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Ayy lmao

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Everything posted by Ayy lmao

  1. Owl enthusiast 1.cobra is called scorpion 2. If you liked sheikra you would have loved falcon's fury. I hate drop towers, but I absolutely love ff. It's so fun.
  2. I'm just gonna guess you coaster credit is at least 1700.
  3. Not to derail the topic, but personally I disagree with that last part. I loved KK's animation, 3DVIP did an amazing job with it. The physics are perfect, the music is exciting, and overall it was done really well. TTD's animation was done subpar in terms of animating technique. You can tell the guy used keyframes to make the train move, which makes it unrealistic. I had to do a lot of digging to find this, but Keith (3DVIP) developed his own program within 3ds Max in Maxcode that calculates the physics just like No Limits would and the result is real coaster physics. Instead of manually changing the speed for each portion of the track, which doesn't usually yield great results, he just places the train and the program calculates the rest with precision. Interestingly, after doing a ton of digging on old websites that no longer exist and recovering corrupted files, I found out that he actually submitted an animation for TTD which used real physics and was far superior and light years more realistic than the official one, but for some reason CP chose the other one over his. I prefer it to the official one. Can you give a link to that animation.
  4. Probably not, the B&Ms at SWO both are sand filled to be quieter for the animals. Montu is pretty close to the animals and has a very loud b&m roar. Kumba isn't near any animals (other than people) but you can hear the roar from across the park. It would be cool if it had a b&m roar. Never been to Busch Gardens but it just seems that SeaWorld has always been under fire more about animal safety than most other parks, so i think it would make sense. Manta and Kraken don't have it. They are actually the two quietest B&Ms I've ever been on. Oh ok.
  5. Probably not, the B&Ms at SWO both are sand filled to be quieter for the animals. Montu is pretty close to the animals and has a very loud b&m roar. Kumba isn't near any animals (other than people) but you can hear the roar from across the park. It would be cool if it had a b&m roar.
  6. What??? I seriously in all my time spend at Cedar Point and working around coaster nerds don't think I've ever heard anyone say anything bad about Raptor! And the only things said bad about Maverick was resolved this year with the new restraints. I really don't think there is a 50/50 split of people loving/hating Maverick & Raptor. That data doesn't even seem close to be accurate. BryceFourn hates raptor.
  7. Am I missing something here?? (Which is possible. I've been really busy with school.) All the renderings I have seen have been pretty standard B&M trains. I believe that the zero car/lead car is customized to look like a shark.
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