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Danrarbc last won the day on March 1

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  1. I'm okay with there not being an RMC conversion if this fixes the severe rapid track wear problem AND they get new trains. Seriously those Gerstlauer trains on this intense of a ride aren't a good fit.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/share/1BJCP5dhzd/ More new track headed to The Boss? Zoom and enhance. That's Titan Track.
  3. They're finally removing the old radio control boat pond. And the chariots for the carousel are now being painted. IIRC the chariots were supposed to be the last thing they did. https://www.facebook.com/share/14uk43DMtB/
  4. The major update today is a shot from inside Joker's Funhouse.
  5. The thing about the memberships is they used to be the same price or even lower than the passes in total cost annually. Now you HAVE to pay the $20 initiation fee which makes the first year of Gold $22 higher than the pass, and every year after is still $2 higher. And you still have to pay the All Park Passport all at once. I don’t think the membership is what it once was. The Prestige membership is $6 lower annually than the pass, outside of that $20 initiation fee.
  6. Pretty sure they posted the exact same picture of Mr Freeze components before. Someone here might be interested:
  7. I do wonder what else is being done to Eagle since they're doing a rare lift hill retrack. The timing at least appears to be not entirely unrelated to the anniversary. We also haven't seen the rest of it - is Gravity Group on site? [It usually takes two seasons for them to do a precut retrack so to have it all done for 2026 they'd have to do some now] Gravity Group's track would enable them to bring back the speed hill that was removed and should allow them to reduce the banking a bit in the turns to make it more like the original experience. A smoother experience and stronger track that needs less constant maintenance are the two benefits of it and both address the reasons those changes were made to the coaster. I love the shots from the workshops. Even though the Boomerang update is a bit obvious - of course every coaster gets new wheels each offseason. They get new wheels throughout a season. New freezers for First Cone are an interesting thing to include in one of these updates since it seems small.
  8. A Gravity Group reprofile might well delete the MCBR - and dramatically reshape that vertical element. Now that they're sticking to two train ops the MCBR is no longer needed for block zone needs. Actually they could shorten most or all three of those hills to some degree to improve the pacing. I could see them adding an outerbank on one of them too* - they've added an odd-banking element on at least one other reprofiling project (Tonnerre 2 Zeus). To compensate for the increased speed a trim would be added to the station flyby - with good programming to ensure it never hits more than it needs to (without it that final turn and airtime pop would likely be painful - and would still be needed if the helix was restored). * I'd put it on either the entry or exit of this turnaround.
  9. Yeah I’d expect a Gravity Group Precut reprofile now more than an RMC conversion. Unfortunately thus far none of the Cedar Flags Gravity Group reprofiled rides have received new trains. Eagle would also see Precut, with Cedar Flags appearing to add it to several old PTC coasters already.
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