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Everything posted by namurt28

  1. Track being removed from the station: https://instagram.com/p/BKt6_-mgIHS/
  2. If you look up the US DOT number on the truck, it checks out to being owned by Rocky Mountain Construction. (http://transportation-services.findthecompany.com/l/840855/Rocky-Mountain-Construction-Group-Inc-USDOT-1395589) Just in case there were still people who thought it was photoshop.
  3. I went back and found it. Thanks. Good info. BTW I saw you referring to an app to give you line wait times. What app is this? And thanks again for all your quick responses. The Six Flags app. Put your season pass on there and it'll tell you wait times while you're in the park.
  4. Hm maybe Ill check that out next year. Yes Do! It's been 5 years since I have been, but the water park has some insane "slides" on a mountain. Some feel like that they probably shouldn't exist cause it looks like tarp laid down the side of a mountain. It's not a traditional commercial park like HH, they have tarzan swings, cliff jumps, and some other unique stuff. It's my favorite water park I have been to. They actually removed the Tarzan Swings this season for that vertical drop, vertical loop waterslide they're putting in. Fair trade off I guess.
  5. Action Park/Mountain Creek Waterpark is about 9014234x better than Hurricane Harbor and it's only like 2 hours north.
  6. I was there too, the ride ops said one of the seatbelts broke. I agree with you that it was oddly empty that day and I enjoyed it, especially as it was one of my first times ever at the park (I drove 8 hours to get there, definitely worth it). Scratching my head. How does that work? Have you sort of been there before? I went for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Wednesday was my second day.
  7. I was there too, the ride ops said one of the seatbelts broke. I agree with you that it was oddly empty that day and I enjoyed it, especially as it was one of my first times ever at the park (I drove 8 hours to get there, definitely worth it).
  8. I made it out to Cedar Point for the first time (for three days!) this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), and I don't really see how you guys need the trick to make Mean Streak good. I thoroughly enjoyed it in the back row (13 times), especially when the ride ops turned the trims off for the last train of the night on Thursday. I also enjoy Minebuster, Wild Beast, and Wild Cat though, I guess I just like these rougher woodies.
  9. 2015 was a pretty good coaster year though. I meant the coaster drought at SFGAdv. Exactly. GAdv got a great coaster in 2015.
  10. It's not gonna be called Total Mayhem, it's the name of a haunted maze at GAdv.
  11. My friend is in the UK on vacation and he said it would be 10 A.M. there. Different time zone?
  12. The Facebook says 7 CDT, however the corporate Twitter account said "Early, Super Early," and Park Journey said it was at 2 PST. I'm going to guestimate that it will be sometime between 4 and 8. Waking up at 3:30 just to make sure
  13. While you guys have been busy with your NYC/Philly war, TPM posted that the new attraction will have two tones: red and orange. They also stated that it will have a Full Throttle-esque queue (huge tent and huge TV), and both of the names "Full Throttle" and "Spinsanity" were proposed, no word on which one got accepted, if even one of those two.
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