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Imagineer Josh

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Posts posted by Imagineer Josh

  1. . . . But for a park that is slowly starting to run out of room. . .


    The park is not "running out of room." Whenever you think "Hmmm, this park is starting to run out of room" just remember Gröna Lund. . .


    And in case you forgot what Gröna Lund looks like:



    Therefore, "The park is running out of room" is never allowed to be an argument. . .


    Holy crap... America would never give any park permission for that

  2. Holy crap! I just realized I never finished my Kings Island TR!!! Let's get back to that!





    Just like that Prius commercial!



    Almost ready for us



    Let's... get our credit later tonight



    Marching Band!






    How massive can you get? No... I was talking about my finger, the coaster is average-sized



    Yep, it wasn't announced yet when I went to the park



    Okay that's enough finger photos. Let's get to Planet Snoopy for the creds



    Time for the Whore-Stock Express of Southern Ohio!



    A line this long? For a family coaster? That's, like an actual plus side to Six Flags! Not cool



    Such a brave little soul



    Best Kids Area is awesome, but they really don't need a new Chevy SUV to make Surf Dog look sexy



    Holy crap, that's creepy



    Up next was the family-size Mind Eraser



    See? Even the youngster *ahem* GP DON'T LIKE VEKOMA!



    I spy with my little eye some leftover Paramount Parks paperwork! Or, P3!



    Yeah, nobody really cared about this one that day



    Bye Planet Snoopy! We (probably won't) catch you again soon!



    This place had surprisingly good food, which was unexpected. Nice job with this one Cedar Fair... or Paramount... or whoever owned the place at the time this was built!



    Nobody really cared about this one that day either



    This probably held a ride at one time or another, right?



    After lunch we rode the Beast. DAMMIT FINGER!! WHY!? WHY!?



    Who doesn't love riding the Beast with no line!?!?



    I think we picked the right day to come here :D



    Hello butt! This is the last photo for now, the last thing I have to say is that Beast was very underrated. Not nearly as ok as people have said. I thought it was absolutely amazing, and it's my favorite wooden coaster as of Fall 2016

  3. I think the poll is pretty much dead, at least for this year. I kind of said it earlier, if we have any tech savvy people on this forum that want to try to re-create the poll and put something together, I'd be willing to host it. But it would need to be more like Mitch's poll where it compares people's ACTUAL experience against each other, not just a popularity contest. I'm not interested in polls like that.


    I was just looking for information on any future Mitch Hawker polls, and I found this thread here and Robb replied with this.


    Anyone up for the idea of having this happen, and bring back the concept originally from good ol' Mitch Hawker?


    I'm all in for it, a 3-year outdated Mitch poll would be better than the Golden Ticket Awards (with the minor exception of Fury)

  4. Just remove the VR and give it to some other coaster. Trust me, I rode it less than a month ago with and without the VR (I had a flash pass)


    The Demon without the VR is okay at the least, fun coaster as usual.


    Demon with the VR is bad. This thing gives you no room to move your head around unless you're tall enough that your head isn't stuck between the restraints (I'm a shortie), and it's (censored)-ing basic (The VR I mean)


    But yes, I'd say give it the restraints that are on Blue Hawk.

    They probably won't remove it for a while though...

    Go to 55 seconds in to see what I mean

  5. Tbh, I gotta say Six Flags Over Georgia. Maybe it's because I went when it rained and I the only good rides I rode were Goliath, Georgia Scorcher, Batman The Ride, Mind Bender, and Great American Scream Machine. I also had the honor of riding Ninja and Georgia Cyclone (the 2 worst coasters I have ridden). Everything else was closed.

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