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  1. I'm sort of wondering weather the recent fizziling has to do with the wheel type. They currently are running 3 types of wheels to help prime the track. I'm hoping they'll convert all the wheels to one single type at some point. By the way, what mechanically makes a coaster temperamental?
  2. Just to clarify, taron is an intamin creation right?
  3. Do they still have the testing wheels on? It looked a little slower than the rendering and generally the renderings are a little understated. It could just be me though...
  4. I am currently at the park and Goliath is testing. Also bizarro's on board audio is working.
  5. Maybe they want to beat the season pass holders into submission using flashback and proceed take their wallets...
  6. Personally, I'm just going for the bragging rights. If I make it off alive, I would get the same sort of machismo that could be obtained by having a fist fight with a grizzly bear and coming out the victor.
  7. Fair point, but I would argue that Disney rarely makes it obvious though to the untrained eye. The hardcore fans notice these things but most people don't... unlike with 2 huge steel towers in the middle of the midway for absolutely no reason. Plus Disney attractions are often repurposed which this won't be and removing a massive Disney attraction is much more costly and time consuming than taking down 2 metal poles, or one drop on an old water ride at SFA, or one drop on a wood coaster at Great Adventure. This trend by Six Flags is really annoying. My opinion shouldn't "ruin anyone's opinion" of the park. It's my opinion. Everyone is free to their own. That being said, of course people will point out the negatives and the positives of parks on this board. That's what everyone has been doing since day one and with most parks I'm generally pretty positive. There are people that are far more negative than I am. I couldn't possibly disagree more, but even if it was true it would only be because their coasters cover up their massive shortcomings in every other department. Well put. I can agree with you in that you are free to express your own opinion and thank you for respecting mine and the ideas of others. I do however think your comments are a little harsh at times.
  8. Wow, I managed to make a comment capable of unleashing the fires of grammar hell. Also, I am a little confused as to why a certain someone is bashing Six Flags New England. This forum is generally meant for people who have an appreciation for the park. I find it a little disheartening when people point out the wrongdoings of the park management and complain about the petty problems. I understand that it's just an opinion, but there is no need to ruin other peoples opinion of the park. I for one have been really happy with the park and am glad to have somewhere that I can relax and have a good time. The fact that we have a park within 100 miles of most of us is a privilege. I feel as if we take it for granted at times. Again, I will respect other peoples opinions, but I think that this bashing is a little unnecessary.
  9. Can anyone recommend me a day between may.25 and june.2 that will allow me the most rides on wicy?
  10. Your theory is flawed... you forgot to carry the 2. ALWAYS remember to carry the 2 and divide by Pi. Seriously though does everyone see this post? This post signifies that we have hit rock bottom and if the offseason doesn't end soon we're all just completely screwed. You may have thought the low point would be the constant renderings in MS paint of how Cedar Point was going to move the perimeter road to make room for their 500 foot dive coaster, or the complaining about the shin guards on the new Knoebels coaster but nope... this right here is it. We're now debating the practicality of a mathematical theory of airtime all because of some idiotic marketing phrases by the park which we've all decided they now have to live up to. I'm not picking on King of Ka (If I were going to do that I'd make fun of your avatar, Let's go Rangers), we're all guilty of it but if we can just last a few more weeks the offseason will be over and we'll all be okay again. Preach it! You have made my day. This goes to show that coaster enthusiasts do not handle anticipation or winter well.
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