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  1. Well I live in California so I still have options as far as theme parks during the off season. I go to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for their Holiday In The Park and may take a trip or two down to Disneyland. But once I do that I usually do all the Christmas activities in the Bay Area and my usual shopping,Yelping,exploring and crossing things off my bucket list until March/April rolls back around.
  2. So bummed I won't be able to make it although I'll be in the area celebrating my b-day at Disneyland *sigh*...Hope to make it next year!!
  3. Wow I loved seeing the coverage from Scare LA!!! I was supposed to go and then other things happened so I was able to but I'm definitely looking forward to the Halloween season and I will have to make it out there next year. Awesome pictures, you captured it all!!
  4. I would love to eventually visit Kennywood and Knoebel's, if i ever visited any one of those two i wouldn't have to go to another amusement park!
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