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Posts posted by snapfordakids

  1. I love how the new TTD paint job is so bright it makes it look like it's cgi.



    I'm curious if since Gatekeeper is so visible and is the focal point of the main gate if CP will keep up on its paint job more frequently than most of its coasters and rides?

    Hopefully. Apart from capacity, Gatekeeper's looks are the only thing it has going for it (to me, at least). It's a truly great-looking POS.


    I haven't even ridden it and I already know you're reaching.


    The Nanching Intamin's lift and first drop looks so weird to me. The supports just look messy. I don't think we've seen Intamin take a steel coaster up that high and then just coast around for a while, have we? They've done it on their wooden coasters I guess. It just seems weird. Why not just make the lift less steep, to get rid of the flat track before the turn? It looks old school and slightly amateur-ish to me. IMO, it's not nearly as elegant as a lot of their designs. Not that it matters, really. The first drop looks great and steep though, so that's what counts.


    VHS Coaster's commented on that photo saying that the turn around before the first drop is advertised as a "panoramic curve" and apparently it's an international thing. I think it's pretty neat, adds character and builds up anticipation for that first drop.

  3. Superman at SFFT.


    It was my first ever visit to SFFT earlier this year and I loved the entire place, but Superman came out of left field and surprised the hell out of me! Don't get me wrong, iRat is still the king of the park, but Supes was a 100% solid ride from start to finish and is easily the best B&M sit-down I've been on. Yeah, even better than Hulk, you weirdos. Hulk has a great first half and a snoozefest second half. Supes just keeps asking you "who's your daddy?" the entire time!


    Co-sign! The way Krypton interacts with the terrain, the pre-drop turnaround. I love how the first drop exits out of the turnaround to it's side..The Vertical loop that last forever, the helix on top of the cliff as well as the drop out of that. The drawn out zero-g roll and the little pop of air time before the MCBR. My favorite things about that coaster. It's one of my favorite B&M's!

  4. This thread is enough for me to never come back to this forum again. The level of vitriol directed towards people with perfectly valid complaints against this new ride is just so completely beyond anything resembling respectable behavior that I'm honestly shocked. And I've been reading this forum for upwards of three years now (I know, not very long compared to many of you) and I didn't think it was still possible for me to be shocked.



    Right!! But this happens every year when announcements come out. I think it's just the nerd nature of coaster enthusiasts to argue and bicker over the dumbest shit. I'll stick to lurking around here and laughing at the arguments.

  5. July 3rd , 2015


    I visited the park for the first time last night. We were running very late and got there around 4:30. I was almost going to buy a flash pass cause I just knew the park was going to be packed and I wasn't going to be able to ride all the standouts.


    Once I saw that the regular flash pass wouldn't get you a ride on Wicked Cyclone and you have to wait in line, and do job-like training for the pass. I was like nope it's not happening.


    I'm so glad I didn't buy it. The park was crowded in the walk-ways but the queue's were fairly short. The longest I waited all day was about an hour. The crews were doing a great job of keeping the lines going, much better than my recent trip to GADV.


    Cyclone (1hr) - Amazing, my 3rd RMC. Compared to NTAG and IRAT, IRAT still reigns supreme. I just love the interaction with the quarry. WC and NTAG tie.


    Bizzaro (1 hr due to breakdowns) - My First Intamin hyper and it was a great ride, I see why it won all the awards! The finale is pretty epic too. But just like in Intamin fashion, the ride was breaking down all night long. Sending empty trains one after the other. I just can't!


    BTDK (20 mins) -Cutest lil floorless with a steep lift hill!. I enjoyed the ride but it was predictable. I do believe it's fits the park very well. I love how it interacts with the exit stair case, just like BTR.


    Mind Eraser* (30mins)- WTF! My first VSLC. I was dreading this day would come. The ride was so intense, every maneuver I was trying to anticipate how to make it through without hurting myself. The drop into the second inversion is ridiculous and the in-line spirals are so rude. Came off the ride wondering wtf is Vekoma on.


    Deja Vu / Goliah (1 Hr)-So I actually rode this ride in 2002 at SFMM, so it was fitting to meet it again. The longest line of the day but the crew was still knocking it out! Why is the ride so intimidating? When you feel that train rush above you, in the station and to the side of you and you get that giant gust of wind. It actually felt very dangerous.. The ride was more intense then I remember and I still dread that vertical drop, and were lucky enough to get backseat. again Vekoma wtf.


    All in all, great first experience at the park, it wasn't a bad SixFlags at all, just wish the path ways were bigger but they only have so much land to work with. I like the setting of the park as well. I'm Glad I got to knock it off my to-do list.

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