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Everything posted by MrTaste

  1. just read some previous posts.. i guess the name of the place is Mythos and it gets a thumbs up from me too.
  2. oh boy.. food network addict here.. and here's an easy one though it's not technically in a theme park.. it's the original Nathans, on famous Surf Avenue in 'fabulous' Coney Island. The fries there are unmatched anywhere in the world.. the grease has been touched by the salt air for more years than most of us have been alive.. the hot dogs.. well.. amazing of course, and NOT the same hot dogs you can buy in your local piggly wiggly in dubuque with Nathans name on them... and strangely enough, the best lobster sandwich outside new england.. my wife asked me how they could get a 'lobster' sandwich in that shape. i told her they used lobster roadkill, but i don't think they really do.. so why does Nathans belong on this show if it's not in a theme park? Because it's a two minute walk to one of the greatest roller coasters of all time. the legendary Cyclone. Oh and there was a pretty good 'theme' restaurant down at U's IOA, with a fantasy type theme.. i'm sure someone here will know the name of it.. it was a little hokey, but in a good way... bubbling drinks.. a really stunning architectural design and decent food.. anyway.. let me know when to be ready for my closeup mr demille.. thanks.. mark
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