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Posts posted by Nickstroberg

  1. WOW! Both the coasters look pretty damn sexy, when I saw the concept art for the Intamin, I honestly called bullshit. I thought, NO WAY, are they actually going to theme it that extensively. Guess I'm eating my words. Can't wait for a pov, looks like an incredible little machine. Same goes for the MS launcher, and the new train design on it looks pretty badass. Hope the both ride as good as they look!

  2. Skyrush trains 100%!! Love the totally exposed feeling the seats offer, ESPECIALLY on the edge seats. .....plus it helps that the ride totally kicks ass.


    MILF has perfect trains/seats; open, comfortable, and aesthetically appealing to boot! Really, all the early Intamin hypers&giga have great train design, however, their newer I305 seat/restraint style is a step backwards in my opinion.


    B&M hypers&gigas have great trains. Sleek looking (in their generic form), track well, and the seat+restraint combo is the most comfortable out there. If I could put B&M trains (with clamshells) on an Intamin giga/mega, THAT would be an incredible machine


    Notable mentions go to GCI millennium flyers, MS X-cars, and old woodies with sofa-style bench seats with buzz bars (like the old NAD trains, Tbolt at KW).

  3. So jealous you got to climb that freaking star flyer! Good thing coaster geeks aren't typically afraid of heights, because someone would have been crappin their drawers.


    I rode desperado quite a few years ago, when I was pretty young. I remember it being pretty dang fun, but I was young and stupid, so I can't really comment. I've got a real soft spot for Arrows, so I'd probably give it a ride if i was in the area (god forbid). Looks like a real banger though. All the fun of a drunken bar fight!!

  4. To everyone arguing about the trim not being in the animation; the animation uses the WRONG connectors for the supports, so I'm fairly certain we can't base the trim/no trim argument of an animation that has a bunch of other inaccuracies. Its a RENDERING, its NOT the final product. We won't know what they're going to do, until the actually do it. End of story. Either way, Rou is going to be a unique coaster, a mix of old school B&M shaping and forces, with new school comfort. Can't wait!

  5. Yeah when I went to Hershey this summer, it was pouring, like FUCKING TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR. But they ran every coaster as long as it would run. The only one that shut down was Skyrush. I made nice with one of the employees, who informed me Skyrush will typically E-stop itself on the lift if its too wet. Rode every other coaster until it reopened a few hours later. Stormrunner in the pouring rain=getting shot in the face with an air-soft gun, repeatedly. Still good fun though


    I'm sure they'll run whatever they can if the weather gets iffy. The ride op I made friends with told me "9 times out of 10, If they can run it, they WILL run it! Thats OUR fuckin' weather policy!" I think thats so cool, because I'm used to CP's hyper-sensitive rain policy.

  6. Boldikus! Make sure you get on SooperDooperLooper! It was my girlfriend's "surprise favorite" of the trip. And the new trains they bought for it ride like a dream! Hershey is probably my second favorite park I've ever been to. With the 3 intamins (sky rush being my top coaster, ever), Great Bear, and SooperDooperLooper, the park has a really solid line up. Plus 3 woodies, a boomerang with the new style trains, and a wild mouse. The only thing I feel like they're missing, is a couple more thrilling flats, and of course a drop tower. Really though, love the place, great atmosphere, and a great coaster collection. The area by Comet and Skyrush is so unique, everything is packed so tight, its really a marvel to look at, favorite area of the park.



    P.S.- Theres a path that cuts through from the main gate to Skyrush, which saves a ton of walking, AND lets you get right underneath Skyrush. Would recommend this shortcut. If I remember correctly, its right where the main path turns left, the cut through is on the right, next to a building with lockers(?), if my memory holds true. Have fun!

  7. Isn't this LOONet?! The moon magnet launch coaster?!


    Ive never been that impressed by the Gerstlauer coasters I've been on, they always felt like a company that should make wild mouse coasters, trying to run with the big dogs. However, since I've only ridden a few, I can't really comment on much, other than how awesome this coaster looks! I imagine the launch has some force, since its only propelling one car, rather than a whole train. Can anybody verify this..? Just curious. The layout looks like it has a good mixture of forceful elements, nice airtime, and cool inversions. Seems like a solid coaster! Hope to ride it one day! Thanks for posting

  8. I LOVE Arrow coasters, a lot of enthusiasts talk down about how rough they can be, but I think it just adds character. Theres something so classic or nostalgic about an Arrow looper towering above a midway, think Vortex at KI, or Viper at SFMM. They looks so beautiful and timeless in an amusement park, and I can't imagine a world without them. Theres a few arrows I'm very interested in, if you've ridden them, please share


    The first is Cyclone at Dreamworld, the layout looks pretty unique, and it appears to use trains similar to what was on Drachen Fire, anybody here experienced this beauty? What does it ride like? http://rcdb.com/1415.htm


    And the second is the imaginatively named, Roller Coaster at Al-Sha'ab Leisure Park. The reason I'm interested in this one is the track type. It appears to use the track style that Tennessee Tornado uses, which I LOVE. So I'm curious how it rides. Has anybody ridden this guy? http://rcdb.com/1603.htm

    If you have ridden either of these, PLEASE share!

  9. HAHA no problem, I just don't like going on youtube, due to the whole google+ thing, I don't like whole "one account for everything" thing.


    Xcelerator is one mean MOTHA'! Great coaster, but I have to say I like TTD a smudge more. That anticipation, waiting for the lights to turn green, is incredible! But, without this badboy, TTD wouldn't be a reality, along with the likes of Stormrunner, and Speedmonster (some of my favorites). This is the grandaddy of all the accelerators out there, gotta love it!


    Twister looks like a solid coaster, I really loved Ravin Flyer II, and I imagine this to be pretty damn good too. Gravity Group's bigger coasters never seem to age well; Hades/Hades360,and more so, The Voyage. But I imagine these smaller installations age better, due to less stress on the track, and it looks from the vid that it still delivers great airtime in such a small package.


    Journey to the Center of the Earth, that looks absolutely nuts! So jealous I've never been on it Is the park easy to navigate to for a foreigner? I'm always anxious to travel that far for parks. I get so stressed when I don't feel like I know what I'm doing, or where I'm going. But this may be the top *must ride* non-coaster on my list, looks fantastic!

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