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Posts posted by Matman-TheRide

  1. Random thought of the day: How would you feel about moving Motocoaster into the Galaxy Theatre, thus creating s new dark ride? Theme it as a NYC bad guy motorcycle chase type ride. Motocoaster is a very portable roller coaster.

    Great idea!!

    Would be really fun and cool experience but sadly wont happen

    But if HFE buys Darien Lake, the indoor chase retheme of Motocoaster could be possible because HFE has proven themselves at thier current parks to be very good at theming thier rides.

  2. That's right, Tackle. So why do some people think that would be such a bad thing to happen now? Let's try something . . . read these and see how it feels . . .


    Darien Lake Fun Country Theme Park Resort

    a Cedar Fair Entertainment Company




    Six Flags Darien Lake Theme Park Resort




    Fun Spot at Darien Lake Theme Park Resort




    Darien Lake

    an HFE property


    Any of these for 2016, imo, would be great for Darien Lake, (some better than others). Now rank them, in order, in your opinion, from best for Darien Lake as 1 and worst for Darien Lake as 4.


    I would definately prefer the bottom choice. At least HFE would invest largely into Darien Lake.

  3. You know what, I have something to admit myself. I recently bought Seabreeze to compete with DirkFunk. I will add next year a giga B&M invert, a show about staring at cardboard and I will retheme the Jack Rabbit to Dancing Coach ( based on this


    Kindly replace the Morgan trains on the Jack Rabbit with PTC's or GCI articulated trains, unless it's already been done. I haven't been to Seabreeze in ten years or so.

    I was simply joking, and I'm certain that DirkFunk was too. Even if I was being serious, I don't see any problems with the Morgan trains.

  4. ^ I feel like he isn't going to give any confirmation of anything until it's officially announced by the park itself. I think it would be really cool though to announce the 2016 ride(s) along with the shiny new paint on ME and a Re-theme of RoS complete with brand spanking new trains all in one shot. I would be quite content if the 2016 attraction went in the RoS plaza - because that would completely justify a re theme and refresh of the ride of steel and not only reimagine the entire plaza but also bring people to the new area more so than if they plopped it down where twister is. As they say in real estate, Location Location Location!

    I just thought something. What if the 2016 attraction is the long delayed Lake Monster rebuild of Predator and Ride Of Steel and the near area gets rethemed to give a more "backwoods" ambiance?

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