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Everything posted by kossdude1

  1. I've been told there has been discussion concerning the old Theatre Royale and possibly converting it back to it's former glory from TDK queue. The Dark Knight queue would then be moved outside. If that were to become a reality, the park could easily move Susan Rosen into Theatre Royale. So, I would honestly not completely rule it out as an option of removing Pictorium.
  2. Thrillseekers (the gift shop Goliath will exit through) opened up today. It includes Goliath apparel (shirts, hoodies, jackets), hats, cups/mugs, lanyards, keychains, pins, and gladiator themed costume pieces. Also, there WILL be an on-ride photo. The photo booth is located inside the gift shop. Overall, it looks much larger on the inside than it originally seemed in my opinion. It's not overflowing with unnecessary and irrelevant things, it's strictly all Goliath.
  3. From what I've heard, the Flash Pass entrance will be where it always was on the other side of the information sign and water fountains. As for the single rider line, it sounds like it will be inside the station. If this configuration just mentioned is accurate, reinstalling the former queue line is no problem. The only problem is.......not enough regular queue line to accommodate an average day at the park.
  4. Considering what the original concept art of the sign looked like, I'd say they did a pretty good job creating it. Sure it may not be themed to how we'd like it, but this sign will still provide a beautiful entrance to the ride. And like ilrider said, it's better than some of the other (especially flat) signs in the park.
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