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Posts posted by sonoma15

  1. Lightning rod was testing two trains with a large group of people. Expect it to open by later today or tomorrow.


    Is it in technical rehearsal or is it just staff?

    Technically it's not been officially closed if you go by the sign out front and the statement on their site.. This has been posted on the site and out front of the park for a few weeks now.. they aren't calling it technical ride rehearsal though and haven't been.. but other than listing it for weeks as CD in the parks app, the park never officially closed the ride so they could open it to guest at anytime I'd imagine


    With this being said, I doubt they will open it today with the app saying CD.. they very well could open it tomorrow though.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: As Lightning Rod’s manufacturer, Rocky Mountain Construction, is working to improve the operational consistency of the ride and elevate its performance to Dollywood’s high standards, Lightning Rod’s running schedule will be irregular and subject to periodic closures.  We apologize for any disappointment and inconvenience. Please enjoy Dollywood’s newest thrill, Drop Line or one of our other family attractions


    Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

    You are probably right about it opening tomorrow, the whole park is closed for weather currently anyways.

  2. We're at the park now. I just wanted to jump on real quick and mention that the people who are acting like Thunderhead is running rough this year are complete pussies.


    Also, Mystery Mine is still awesome and Lightning Rod is still a train wreck dumpster fire. Maintenance is literally standing on the track shrugging their shoulders every 5 seconds and most likely questioning their life choices.

    Yep, rode Thunderhead yesterday, such an amazing coaster. Also it may of not been the launch before, but I'm almost certain the problem with lightning rod now is the launch.

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