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Everything posted by nosro

  1. Fast Lane review - Tuesday May 15 Unless I missed something (I am only an infrequent lurker and frequent viewer of the videos), I did not see anyone summarize their Fast Lane experience. I just visited on May 15 (Tuesday) with a Fast Lane pass so I might be one of the first around here to try out Fast Lane in the middle of the week. Reference Point For those familiar with Cedar Point, there was a decent crowd of high school students as the opening week is now traditionally "Physics Week". Nevertheless, Blue Streak and Wicked Twister were walk-ons for everyone. Mantis had a line approximately 10 minutes long and Mantis did not have a Fast Lane. I hope this serves as a barometer of the day's crowd size and puts my Fast Lane experience in context. Fast Lane experience Fast Lane provided direct access to the loading platform for all rides that I attended (including some that were walk-on and thus provided no advantage): Top Thrill Dragster, Millennium Force, Maverick, Mean Streak, Skyhawk, Maxair, Wind Seeker, Power Tower, Magnum. Raptor provided a merge point half-way up the stairs to the loading platform that was moderated by an attendant. In all cases, an attendant checked our wrist bands. There was no Fast Lane path for Mantis or Wicked Twister on this day. Only once did we actually end up "waiting" behind other Fast Lane holders (on Top Thrill Dragster, where there was 5 people ahead of us). Fast Lane essentially turned every ride onto a walk-on ride. Due to the nature of the ride exit path and where the Fast Lane is located, Millennium Force and Maverick have very convenient paths to walk right back on without ever leaving the platform building. Using Millennium Force as an example, we were able to disembark and get back in time to buckle into the coaster that had been behind us (not the same coaster that we disembarked from). Although such an advantage obviously offered the chance to re-ride (I rode Millennium Force 4 times in a row), I think the real advantage is that my friends and I were able to relax enough to take an hour off to chat and drink beer in the middle of the afternoon without worrying about having enough time to get all of our credits in. Also, none of us got sun burned - the reduced sun exposure was a big energy booster. I hope this helps those who are on the fence. If nothing else, I can not see how this significantly effects the main line simply because I saw so few Fast Lane users. Obviously, this may not be the case in the future or after this post.
  2. MF definitely seemed to move faster. I've ridden it every year for the past four years and it moved noticeably faster. I noticed they ran only two trains but I don't recall if they ran three trains in previous years. It's possible they reduced the number of trains and found it to cycle faster. (For example, Top Thrill Dragster found that 5 trains cycled passengers through faster than 6 trains.)
  3. I rode it today! I did see MF get stuck TWICE on the lift hill, but it eventually got moving both times. The line moved swiftly running two trains (yellow and red) and the wait was approximately 30 minutes - it could have been shorter except it had been raining all morning and it finally cleared up (around 3:00).
  4. Nope. Millenium Force is open now. I was there when they started it back up last week. Go here for any ride closure notices: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/visit/today/index.cfm
  5. No, there's no fast pass anymore. I think the best time is after 9:00 PM (just before closing) if you can wait until then. They usually keep it running for a half hour after official park closing to clear out the TTD line. Alternatively, wait for TTD to shut down due to "technical difficulties" (I've been there 5 days so far this year, and TTD has been shut down at least once every day I was there.) Then keep a hawk eye on the tower. Run for it when it re-opens. I like to go in at opening and hit the coasters at the back of the park first - recently, I did this and got Magnum, Gemini, Mine Creek, Mantis, and Skyhawk in the first hour. Everyone gets the idea of going to TTD first, so I don't think you save any time trying to go to TTD first, but you save a TON of time going to the smaller rides first. Also, for some reason, Wicked Twister gets overlooked. Maybe because it is hidden behind so many slow rides. I have never waited more than 10 minutes for it. IMHO, Wicked Twisters is the best in terms of thrills per minute of wait.
  6. So has anyone been to the Parthenon yet? I can't seem to find much info on what is actually in there besides Opa.
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