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  1. Mmmh... Disneyland (if you mean like Paris VS Orlando...) Disneyland has actually quite the same rides, however, Indiana Jones and Space mountain make a difference. We were a bit more bored in Orlando, but in Paris? We were energetic all the way through (Last visit was 5 months ago)
  2. 1. Disney - I went to Paris' Disney in 2007, and Orlando's Disney in 2012. Went in Universal in 2012. I have to say I had a more better, and cooler (and more magical) place in Disney though. All the lovely hotels (I went to Carribean Beach Hotel), the beautiful ponds, and laying in your pool 30 ft. from your room, and than watching Magic Kingdoms fireworks is really cool! 2. Steel - Maybe a bit expective. I haven't rode an RMC yet, but I do like classic GCI's too. My favourite steel ride is Sheikra. The B&M Dive machine in Busch Gardens Tampa. I have rode these B&M's Busch Gardens - SheiKra, Kumba, Seaworld Orlando - Manta, Kraken\ Universal Studios - Hulk Phantasialand - Black Mamba Not really much, right? --- 3. Loops - The screaming, yelling, swearing during a loop, WOW! That feeling! Everybody's face red, everybody screaming, all small kids below you looking like ''WOW!'' It is a better feeling than airtime hills.
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