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Posts posted by coaster_dude2002

  1. Woo hooo more updates!


    I had soo many "battle wounds" after those two days. Sliced elbow on the Toboggan coaster of death, and all the bruises from Hades.


    Mt. Olympus wasn't anything special in my books. The go karts certainly were the best, unless you had a slow car or, you cant find the brakes...

    The thunderstorm was amazing when it knocked out the power for a second causing Opa to stall, and the wonderful walk back to the hotel through the rivers on the paths and parking lot.


    Can't remember much about Grindhouse. Just the "this is soo violent how the heck can you guys watch this" moment, and two people falling asleep on the couch


    ^ I have to agree with you on the SCAD tower Nadia! and the Skyscraper at Timber Falls was insane.

  2. Finally a ride over 110ft


    The layout looks awesome and it should have amazing views of the park/area. I wonder if it will affect the Italian job though, The lift supports are right in the middle of it.


    As for the new trains, they are well... Interesting. The station is going to have to be massive to hold them. I wonder how they will work out the gates inside, 8 rows of 4, or 16 rows of 2?

  3. age: 19

    Middle Name: Andrew

    Pet Peeve: People talking on cell phones while driving

    Color of your bathroom: white

    Best Movie of ALL time: the Bourne Identity

    Best Song of ALL time: Song of life - Leftfield

    Best TV Shows: The office, MI5, Amazing Race

    Favorite Band/Artist: Currently: Camera Obscura or Feist

    Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Space Mountain: Mission 2

    Yummiest Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's: Half Baked

    If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Leslie Feist

    Morning Person or Night Person: neither.

    Pets: none currently

    Favorite Color: green

    Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Cottage

    Coke or Pepsi: Coke

    Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Hate it.

    Best Vacation Spot: Paris

    Cook or Go Out: Cook

    Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains

  4. I went to see "Body worlds 2" when it was in Toronto, and it's definitely not for everyone. They did have age recommendations for it but it all depends on the person. I was fine with it, and actually found it interesting, my dad on the other hand only stayed for about 20 min before he had to leave. The exhibit was fairly large and took about 1.5-2 hours to visit, and had a variety of displays including a camel. It was not very popular at first but when people realized how soon the show was leaving the city tickets sold out quickly. The exhibit was open for 72 consecutive hours in the last 3 days, and almost every timeslot was sold out. If it ever comes to a city near you, check it out. Also I believe “Body worlds 3” is in Huston Texas and will finish on Monday (September 4th), and “Body worlds 2” is in Boston until January 7th.

  5. Another option for those who live with in a couple hundred miles of Cincinnati is taking the Greyhound bus. It's definitely cheaper than flying, however it takes a long time. I’m looking at taking it from Toronto to Cincinnati and it will be a 14-hour bus ride (on average - some are faster but drop you off at 3am!) and it will only cost $139! Far better then the $400 to fly from Toronto.


    TexTitan01 - I have a feeling quite a few people will fly in early because flights tend to be cheaper if you fly in mid week (Wednesday or Thursday) and fly out mid week (Tuesday and Wednesday), the only issues that might come up by flying in early is hotels. Most of them wont allow anyone under 21 to stay without an adult.


    hope that helps


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