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Everything posted by teddylion07

  1. My top 5. 5. Pepsi Orange Streak, because it's kind of fun. 4. Wild Thing, in the way back and watching Renegade while going over the first hill. 3. Steel Venom. I like launches. 2. Excalibur at Night. Excalibur at Night is the best because it's dark and there's no one back there so you basically get on every ride. Also the ride ops this year were awesome back there. 1. Renegade. Obviously.
  2. My brother was there. You guys were on the same marathon train together. He got like 40 rides on Renegade Sunday...
  3. I know like everyone's done one but I went to Valleyscare for the first time on Thursday night (despite having had a season pass for the last two years and have been going to Valleyfair regularly all my life). I hate being scared and kind of got forced into the mazes I went through but it wasn't too bad. (Disclaimer: my scores mean absolutely nothing.) The first maze we went through was Hellside Farm and I was really psyched up about going through it, but I didn't think it was that scary at all. Maybe they were understaffed on Thursday? There didn't seem like anyone was in there and the ones that were just didn't seem to go for me. The only guy who creeped me out was because he was whispering in my ear and that freaks me out so much. 4/10. Then we did Zombie High and that was cool and I was a lot jumpier. I don't really remember much, too busy hiding behind one of my friends. 6/10. The Cleaver's Bloodshed one. This was the one that I really had to be forced into going through. Like I got dragged into the line. I hate gore. I cried a little. Considered being a vegetarian during it but I'm too picky for that kind of food commitment. 8/10. The Asylum. I was tired and it was almost closing and I wanted to go home, but my coworker friend is so nice and didn't let me consider that option. I tried talking to the people ahead of us in line to calm myself and have something else to focus on but that went out the window once I got in. Eyes got a little watery again. Got scared. Didn't scream (during or at all throughout the night), so I had that going for me (for Thursday night at least). 10/10. As for rides, we went on: Steel Venom. Usually when I go, it seems like it is broken down for some reason or someone threw up. We rode in the 2nd row from the front, good time. Wild Thing. We were in the way back and it was nighttime. That makes for a good ride. Wild Thing kind of bores me now, but that was because of my 18-ride mini-marathon during the summer where we did one ride in each row one night during the summer. Renegade. I love Renegade and that's probably why in the last two years, I've kept track and have been on it almost 250 times. We rode in the back too and it was nighttime and it was good. Ride ops were good too even though I didn't recognize any of them as the regulars from the summer. But I went back today and some of the regulars were there, so at least they're still around. Between Thursday & today I'm at almost 140 rides for the season. Corkscrew. It was the end of the night and we got a re-ride. The other notable part was the roaming scarer who was walking up the grass next to us and I turned to her and was like "you riding with us?" and she responded with "I wish."
  4. Journey to Atlantis has the coaster-like track section and uses chain lift hills, where as the other two are in flumes and have a different kind of lift hill. I believe that's what makes the difference.
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