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  1. So which is it? Are they totally disgusting or not that bad? We aren't talking about restaurant restrooms where cleanliness is of the utmost priority. If your bathroom experience is the most important thing about your trip to a theme park, avoid SFMM for sure. Of course you can always go down the highway to Universal Studios Hollywood where the restrooms are impeccable and you pay $70 for 1 coaster to ride. I'll pass on that one, however.
  2. Its a mixed bag with the bathrooms at MM. Some of them are really pretty bad (near the front entrance) and some of them are rather nice (near Superman). I won't disagree that there are certain bathrooms which should be better tended to. Thankfully I'm not at the park to poop all day, but if I had to do the deed I would choose one of the nicer bathrooms which are available. The employees have always been very friendly to me and have treated me with respect and kindness, especially when I've shown it first. That is just speaking from my own experience of course. I'm not sure why you brought up Revolution because we agreed on that coaster. The OTSR restraints suck bad but its still an incredible coaster.... The food is actually pretty good I think. I particularly love the turkey leg basket and frozen lemonades which are really refreshing on a hot day. This is all a matter of opinion of course. I haven't seen trash all over the park... To each his own but I think some people just go into the park looking for problems and things to complain about. If you're going to be grumpy and complain about how dirty the bathroom was when you have an amazing park full of world class roller coasters sitting outside that bathroom, that's your choice. I stop thinking about the bathroom after I leave it. 5 minutes in a bathroom Is not something that's going to ruin my day.
  3. Magic Mountain is my favorite theme park in the world. I'm not kidding. I love it for the amount, variety and quality of roller coasters. It has record breaking roller coasters like Riddler's Revenge, the largest standing coaster in the world. Tatsu, the worlds tallest flying coaster which is built on top of the "mountain" and offers you an unparalleled view and flying coaster experience. X2 and Green Lantern, X2 is one of the best roller coasters in the entire world. The first drop alone is worth a trip to MM. Green Lantern is the only zacspin in the United States currently, and it is freaking AMAZING. Honestly, I think most of the people who complain about it being uncomfortable are overweight. It is a really, really fun and another unique coaster which makes MM worth a visit. For Coaster historians, Revolution is the worlds first looping coaster and has an amazing layout in the beautiful terrain of the mountain. The coaster is enjoyable even with the OTSR, it is a thrilling classic coaster which takes you through the natural surroundings which puts you in a good mood no matter if you enjoy the ride or not. For wooden coaster lovers, Apocalypse is a fantastic thrilling coaster that a unique whip like first drop and I believe it is the fastest wooden coasters in California. It is a must ride for any coaster lover visiting California!! Their other wooden coaster is Colossus which is a CLASSIC. It has seen much better days but it is still a very very fun ride with a few moments of airtime. Honestly I could go on and on about their coaster selection and the GORGEOUS "mountainous" land that the park is built on and around. Not to mention the 3 quality water rides they have, including a roaring rapids that you will get soaked, also built into the beautiful wooded area. It is more than worth a trip to California, especially if you have season passes. Get your butt out there and stop listening to whiners who have nothing better to complain about than a lack of food selection and flat rides that make you want to puke. You will love it
  4. I just rode Goliath the other day for the first time in about 10 years since it was built. I have to say that when the train slows down on that turn it is actually the most terrifying part of the ride because you are tilted to the side at a pretty steep angle and with only the lap bars to keep you in, you start to feel like you are going to fall out. I don't really care for Goliaths 2nd half, but that slow turn is probably my favorite part of the latter half of the ride.
  5. Wow, that makes me really kind of nervous to ride Green Lantern in a week and a half. Are all zacspins known to be as rough as GL?
  6. Question for some regulars of the park. I will be going to MM on Tuesday April 9th and Wednesday April 10th. Is it usually busy around that time of year? I'm considering buying a flash pass so any info would be helpful.
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