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Everything posted by CoAsTeR_FrEaK27

  1. Well I wasn't to pleased with Gatekeeper, its just kind of slow. i only got to ride it once though, maybes its one of those rides you just have to ride a few times to enjoy. I should have got a back seat ride, maybe that would have helped.... I think the back 2 rows should be backwards on gatekeeper, that would be great hahaha. As for the 300ft wing rider, I think it sounds nice but if its only going to be 65mph.... something aint right... I am hoping the news reporter was just misinformed or didn't know what he was talking about and B&M is designing some kind of new trains for a giga coaster, maybe similar to sky rush or something totally new? Not really sure... The footprint they laid out doesn't really seem big enough for a huge giga coaster though, but I could see it being out further than they highlighted, further as in over the entry area, which I believe they will be re-doing as well as the parking lots etc, which they did confirm improvements were to happen. I thought that was going to happen next year but I don't know. Whatever they are doing, its going to be interesting. I am still waiting on the other news channels to make this same announcement, but haven't seen anything as of yet...
  2. Yep I agree. And I think the stand up style coaster is the least popular out of all styles anywhere, it seems that way at least haha.
  3. Yea I hope not as well! I dont like loosing coasters for new rides, just because we need to ADD to the number we have haha. Yea I dont really care for Vortex either because its short. The best B&M stand up that I have been on is Mantis, love it. Georgia Scorcher was not bad, just had to wait in line for over an hr for that thing dont think it was really worth it hahahah.
  4. I too like Maverick the best out of the CP and KI coasters... I just don't like the seats they suck. Everything else about the ride is awesome. I'm not an intamin fan at all but its one ride I really enjoy, even if it had to be re-profiled. I am hoping this new "giga" or wing giga or whatever it is, will be the best B&M has done that is definitely my dream. I just hope for something that goes upside down haha. I guess it likely will if its a wing rider.... but who knows. I am also looking forward to seeing what they remove? Will they remove the paladium or will it go around it some how? What about the karts and jukebox diners and the sky flyer... I see something being removed, just not sure what? Would they remove the hurler? hmmm.... I dont think they would... but who knows.... what do you guys think on that?
  5. Well I said the same thing about 65mph since gatekeeper goes 67 and its not no where near as tall, so I didn't really get it either, but I guess we will see.
  6. http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/blog/outside_the_loop/2013/09/charlotte-council-wrestles-carowinds.html 300ft tall wing rider????
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